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Maxspect R420R LED Lighting 160w 16K


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ReefFish > I'm currently only using up to 75% max for both channels to simulate photo period of 12noon to 2pm. Beyond that it'll start to go into the late afternoon to evening configuration. From what I see on the controller housing design of this Razor series, I don't think it does good to the electronics within the controller should the system be always driving at 100% output. As of now at 75%, I already can feel the heat (by hand touching) from the controller housing being rather "hot to the touch". Am thinking of getting a small cooling fan to cool it as the housing heat-fins seems insufficient for a quick heat disspation.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

im setting up a 120x60x36cm tank soon and i just bought a g2 170W. However, im thinking of a 160w 16k Razor now.. will be hanging the light.. what do u guys think of the razor able to cover 48x24" all the way to both sides? i can hang higher due to my height is only 36cm.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

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  • SRC Member

I have also upgraded from G2 170W to razor 160W, 10K during march. The coverage for the sides & rear will not be as good as G2 after comparision. The same areas will be more shady. However, the lights are stronger based on the facts that some of my SPS are bleached running full power on razor. My tank 3x3x2. U might want to take note of that, for your reference.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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Thanks, the 170w will have better spread probably due to it being optics-less.. wah 2ft depth running full power SPS bleach.. my 36cm is almost half as short.. i can probably run 80% and hang higher to cover 4x2ft. Forgot to mentioned that tank will be LPS and Softies tank, but will have some SPS in the middle centre area.. definitely not the corners.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

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Better start with 60% first then slowly ramp up to 80%, maybe 5% every 2 weeks. That is what i doing now, learn this this thro' hard way.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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  • SRC Member

16k gives a more blueish color while 10k is more white. from what i know for SPS, blueish = color, white = growth. boils down to what you prefer.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

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  • SRC Member

from what i know, bleaching of corals should be about its brightness and par levels, not the color of the led.. i may be wrong though..

and white leds appears to be brighter to our eyes compared to the blues/royal blues. so some may think that the 10K is brighter but its not.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

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from what i know, bleaching of corals should be about its brightness and par levels, not the color of the led.. i may be wrong though..

and white leds appears to be brighter to our eyes compared to the blues/royal blues. so some may think that the 10K is brighter but its not.

Yup, also do take note the LEDs are different for the two models


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  • SRC Member

I think still early cause I've been using the razor for 1mth only. But I did experience sps coloring up nicely.. My Dino egg monti came brown and it's greenish now. Bubble gum monti green base got stronger too. From what I know. Whiter led encourages growth while bluer led encourages color.

EvolutionZ's Floating Reef:

(Decommed) EvolutionZ's 4ft shallow Mixed Reef Build :

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