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Yasha White Ray Shrimp Goby

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  • SRC Member

Just bought this beatiful creature from lfs last wed but never see her again till today (fri), don't tell me this fish same as wrasse will hite in the sand bed for 3-4 days?

Anyone know the reason? Mine is a nano tank with 4 seahorses inside. :cheers:

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  • SRC Member

Yasha Gobies are very timid fishes, and providing them with hiding places is necessary to give them a sense of security. They can hide for weeks before they start appearing out in the open. Unless you flood the tank with food, target feeding might be necessary as they will not venture very far away from their hiding place. Pair them up with a pistol shrimp, and you can even enjoy the symbiotic relationship between the two.

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  • SRC Member

Yasha Gobies are very timid fishes, and providing them with hiding places is necessary to give them a sense of security. They can hide for weeks before they start appearing out in the open. Unless you flood the tank with food, target feeding might be necessary as they will not venture very far away from their hiding place. Pair them up with a pistol shrimp, and you can even enjoy the symbiotic relationship between the two.

Thx bro for ur feedback, when bought it doesn't come with pistol shrimp... My worry is my cos of my seahorses that's why she don't wanna come out from its hiding place. Seahorses like to swim to the sand bed to look for pods.

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What a joy to discovered she still alive in my nano tank this morning (after 10 days of anxiousness), she just appear at the rear of the sand bed near to a rock and when she saw me she quickly went into the sand and disappear again. I think those who wanna buy this fish will enjoy your pet this way. :wub: Look See Look See :rolleyes:

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Nice fish! I have got two of them in my tank.. I will hide at first, then when it becomes acclimatised it will venture out everytime u throw in some food. I feed mine with frozen mysis and brine, and sometimes flakes... They have enormous mouth and a varocious appetite... Doesnt seems to pair up with three of my candy pistol shrimps though. Beautiful fish they are!

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Yes, we know, there's a cheaper and prettier fish than the one were talking about. - John Coppolino

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Even within the same species, each inidividual fIsh have different personlities. I have 2 of these buggers paired with an Alpheus Randalli. The shrimp dig and share a burrow with them and they bring back food (mostly other fishes feces and food too big to fit in they own mouths) for the shrimp. One is bolder and will swim more than 10 inches away from the burrow while the other rarely ventures more than 2 inches. They are both very wary fishes that ducks into the burrow at the slightest disturbance. They hid for more than 3 weeks when I introduced a new fish. Lucky they were well-fed else could have perished from starvation.


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