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Review of the 1.25hp Titanium chiller


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Big pumps with high water outputs can raise your tank by 2 - 3C if used inside the water.

Most of us who keep SPS have our pumps outside the tank. And we switched to air-cooled pumps instead of water-cooled pumps...

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After many suggestion and consideration here's what I've done.

Raise MH from 3" to 5" from water surface. This is the max acceptable height without causing too much glare when looking at the tank.

AT-106 (85W) return pump is turned off.

Oceanfree 9000 (80W) for skimmer is turned off.

Only pump running is 2x 6010 tunze streams and 1260 (used externally) driving the chiller output back to tank (now acting as only return pump).

Time Chiller Temp

2x36W PL running

08:16 25.0 Compressor OFF

11:45 25.2 2x250W MH ON

2x36W PL OFF

14:12 26.5 Compressor ON

14:16 26.6

14:20 26.7

15:13 26.6

15:20 25.5

15:28 26.4

15:35 26.3

15:42 26.2

15:50 26.1

15:57 26.0

16:07 25.9

recording was interrupted for 23mins hence no data avaliable

16:30 25.6

16:41 25.5

16:49 25.4

16:58 25.3

17:07 25.2

17:17 25.1

17:26 25.0 Compressor OFF

17:29 24.9

17:31 24.8

17:36 24.7

With 2x250W MH

Time taken to cool 1.8 degs = 3hrs 14min

With 2x36W PL

Time taken to raise 1.6 degs = 5hr 56min

This is big difference compared to the earlier test conducted with the other 2 high powered pump running.

Judging from this improved results the estimated chiller run time per 24 hr would drop by abt 3-4hrs but only can confirm after the whole test period of 24hrs is completed.

To be continued.......

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  • SRC Member
Big pumps with high water outputs can raise your tank by 2 - 3C if used inside the water.

Most of us who keep SPS have our pumps outside the tank. And we switched to air-cooled pumps instead of water-cooled pumps...

That is so true. When I'm making fresh saltwater. I'll leave my 1262 running overnight in the 100L Toyogo tub. The cover will be closed to reduce salt spray. By morning the water temperature will be a balmy 34°C!!!


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Part 3.

Time Chiller temp

21:15 26.5 Compressor ON

21:19 26.6

21:22 26.7

21:28 26.8

recording stop

2x250MH Off

22:43 26.0

22:46 25.9

22:51 25.8

22:57 25.7

23:02 25.6

23:08 25.5

23:13 25.4

23:18 25.3

23:24 25.2

23:30 25.1

23:35 25.0 Compressor OFF

23:38 24.9

23:39 24.8

23:42 24.7

23:46 24.6

Tme taken to chill 1.9 degs = 2hrs 20min

Based on part 2 test earlier today it should take abt 6hrs+ before the compressor will run again. Remember in part 2, there is 2 hrs after the 2x250W MH turns on before the temp raised up to 26.5degs (compressor kicks in).

Combined with the results from part 2 test we get.

Run time of

3hrs 14min (part 2) + 2hrs 20mins (part 3) = 5 hrs 34mins.

So without the 2 submersed pumps we cut the run time needed by 4hrs. Quite a lot of difference! This is almost like 50% difference.

I've to start my skimmer running so have to end the test but this is a good indication of how much heat($$$$$$) those pumps throw into the water. I know that pumps introduce heat but didn't know it makes so much difference!!!

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Wait till you try not switching on your MHs! :lol:

I guess your test results should be good enough for someone who can benchmark against with similar system specs & volume.

Because every tank is different... it will be hard to generalise how a chiller will perform in another setup.

So what's your personal conclusion to this test? :)

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actually if you read part2 that is without the MH running it takes abt 6 hrs to raise the temp 1.8 degs.

I think I do not need further test anymore after I see the results today. Once again confirm the chiller is great :P Guess I did made the right decision afterall.

I also glad I did this test else I still "sleeping" thinking everything is good. But now I know if not end of the month the electical bills come I will cry.

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