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Possible to keep PBT for a 2months old tank?

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My tank now got a pair of clown, one yt and pt. Not suitabl to keep pbt anymore?

1st, u need to know that most likely they will fight.

2nd, very likely the rests of ya existing tangs may be affected by ich since pbt is an ich magnet.

U have to decide if u wants to take the risks bro.

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Will a more mature tank help in the itch?

Ich doesnt come from the tank itself, usually from the fish ( especially newly bought one from local LFS , since it is capture from the wild and mix with other fishes. ) For higher success with this fish, tried to get a establish one from fellow reefer which is free from Ich or QT your new fish fif you decided to buy one from local LFS.

Happy reefing..

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1st, u need to know that most likely they will fight. 2nd, very likely the rests of ya existing tangs may be affected by ich since pbt is an ich magnet. U have to decide if u wants to take the risks bro.

Come to think of it, if i were to catch both my yt and pt out and put them in the sump while allowing pbt to settle in the main tank. Then release yt and pt back to main tank after pbt stable. will this help?

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Ich doesnt come from the tank itself, usually from the fish ( especially newly bought one from local LFS , since it is capture from the wild and mix with other fishes. ) For higher success with this fish, tried to get a establish one from fellow reefer which is free from Ich or QT your new fish fif you decided to buy one from local LFS. Happy reefing..

Noted. the fear is even with stable pbt, my yt and pt will wack it..

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  • SRC Member

Ich doesnt come from the tank itself, usually from the fish ( especially newly bought one from local LFS , since it is capture from the wild and mix with other fishes. ) For higher success with this fish, tried to get a establish one from fellow reefer which is free from Ich or QT your new fish fif you decided to buy one from local LFS.

Happy reefing..

There's no such thing as ich free. Ich either is present in the water,rocks and/or the body of the fish itself. Either way, there's no way to get rid of ich totally except to sterilize everything, including all the fishes.

Ich may appear when the fish is weak or stressed. To reduce occurrence of ich is to keep the fish very healthy so as to keep its immune system at its peak

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Some update. In the end, I cant resist PBT and got one from coral farm. I choose one that is feeding and about the same size as YT and PT.

I don't have a Qt, thus I kept the pbt in the ref. I feed it regularly for about 4 days and make sure the itch are gone. I then caught the most aggressive YT and kept it in the betta box before releasing pbt into the tank. There are fights between pbt and pt initially, but nothing serious. No more fights after 2 days between pbt and pt, only occasional chasing. White spot appear on both pbt and pt after which, the appetite of pbt drop. Regular feeding to make sure pbt is still eating. 2 more days later, white spot on pbt gone and only very little on pt. Decided to release YT. It is war between YT and PT, YT injure quite badly while pbt is left alone. 2 more days later, yt and pt no more fighting, only occasional chasing and all white spot are gone.

I am very happy as I have the trio now living in harmony and free of itch! NO MORE TANG FOR ME!! :thumbsup:

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Normally, tangs fight more aggressive between the same type in term of shape, color, pattern, etc.

such as pt, yt, brown tang and abt will tend to fight among each other.

Pbt, powder brown tang, white creek, AT form the other group.

Sohal, clown tang another group, and so on...

So when put the same group of tangs, there is high chance of fighting.

In long run, the fight is between the yt and pt, not the pbt.




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Normally, tangs fight more aggressive between the same type in term of shape, color, pattern, etc.

such as pt, yt, brown tang and abt will tend to fight among each other.

Pbt, powder brown tang, white creek, AT form the other group.

Sohal, clown tang another group, and so on...

So when put the same group of tangs, there is high chance of fighting.

In long run, the fight is between the yt and pt, not the pbt.

Yup, you are right. However my YT is one of it kind. The YT I got is super aggressive, one of my clown was whacked by the YT till it jumped out of tank and dead. The royal gamma I got was whacked by it till it hide in the rock for days. Even my coral beauty is being bullied by the YT. Although the pbt is of another group, I am pretty sure the YT will bully it quite badly, that is why I decided to catch it to let pbt settle first.

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There's no such thing as ich free. Ich either is present in the water,rocks and/or the body of the fish itself. Either way, there's no way to get rid of ich totally except to sterilize everything, including all the fishes.

Ich may appear when the fish is weak or stressed. To reduce occurrence of ich is to keep the fish very healthy so as to keep its immune system at its peak

There is actually a few ways to make an ich free environment ! One of ways is to qt everything.

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Some update. In the end, I cant resist PBT and got one from coral farm. I choose one that is feeding and about the same size as YT and PT.

I don't have a Qt, thus I kept the pbt in the ref. I feed it regularly for about 4 days and make sure the itch are gone. I then caught the most aggressive YT and kept it in the betta box before releasing pbt into the tank. There are fights between pbt and pt initially, but nothing serious. No more fights after 2 days between pbt and pt, only occasional chasing. White spot appear on both pbt and pt after which, the appetite of pbt drop. Regular feeding to make sure pbt is still eating. 2 more days later, white spot on pbt gone and only very little on pt. Decided to release YT. It is war between YT and PT, YT injure quite badly while pbt is left alone. 2 more days later, yt and pt no more fighting, only occasional chasing and all white spot are gone.

I am very happy as I have the trio now living in harmony and free of itch! NO MORE TANG FOR ME!! :thumbsup:

:thumbsup: It takes a reefer who is knows exactly what he is doing to ensure success. :thumbsup:

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Ich will exist at low levels. Same as the human body. No matter how clean you are or how you quarantine, some levels of microfauna exists

It would be good if you read this !


i have kept before a tank without ich before!! i also have a tank thread posted before without ich

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Thanks bro for the encouragement! Really honour to have an encouragement from a senior reefer :cheers:

Harlo, you my senior leh.... ;)

Anyway, am happy for you. Hope I will be able to do so one day.

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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