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My Yellow Tang was attacked. Who is the culprit?

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  • SRC Member

I recently introduced my yellow tang in, it has been doing fine for a few days with the old resident - yellow wrass. Yesterday I introduced a cleaner shrimp and a clam in. Now I saw that my yellow tang's top fin was badly damaged. Almost all the fin is gone.

There are only three suspects.

1. Yellow wrass

2. Cleaner shrimp

3. The clam

Which one could it the culprit? How can I stop this...

Thanks in advance.

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  • 4 weeks later...

How big is your crab? i have crab that live in my rocks also, but they do not injure my tangs.

Only once when my clown fish seen weak and die , and they come eat their fresh.

I had hermit crab also in my tank, they eat all the unwanted or left over.

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