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Spare reefing equipment & test kit to sell

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Have the following spare equipment to clear, as will not be using it for now.

1) Tunze wave box 6215 ( Come with original box ) - $ 380.00

- come with controller and magnet

- Power adapter just replace not long ago still with warrenty from RD.

2) DD Multi Test kit set ( mg , ca, KH ) - $ 40.00

- KH and ca left about 50% , MG still have about 90% since just replace.


3) ELOS Potassium Test kit - $ 25.00

- still have about 80% , use only few time.

4) Salifert P04 test kit - $ 10.00

- about 50% left

- will throw in Sera N02 and ammonia test kit


4) API Tape water filter - $ 30.00

- Simple DI unit to produce pure water .

- come with tape connector to connect to water horse.

- No filter media included, you need to get your own carbon and DI resin.


5) Kent marine dosing box - $ 15.00

** Collection at cck at night during weekday or near clementi during office hour

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  • SRC Supporter


1) Tunze wave box 6215 ( Come with original box ) - $ 350.00 ( Price reduce )

- come with controller and magnet

- Power adapter just replace not long ago still with warrenty from RD.

2) DD Multi Test kit set ( mg , ca, KH ) - $ 40.00

- KH and ca left about 50% , MG still have about 90% since just replace.

3) ELOS Potassium Test kit - $ 25.00

- still have about 80% , use only few time.

4) Salifert P04 test kit - $ 10.00

- about 50% left

- will throw in Sera N02 and ammonia test kit

5) Kent marine dosing box - $ 15.00

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  • SRC Supporter

Latest update with new items added

1) Tunze wave box 6215 ( Come with original box ) - $ 350.00 ( Price reduce )

- come with controller and magnet

- Power adapter just replace not long ago still with warrenty from RD.

2) DD Multi Test kit set ( mg , ca, KH ) - $ 40.00

- KH and ca left about 50% , MG still have about 90% since just replace.

3) ELOS Potassium Test kit - $ 25.00

- still have about 80% , use only few time.

4) Salifert P04 test kit - $ 10.00

- about 50% left

- will throw in Sera N02 and ammonia test kit

5) Kent marine dosing box - $ 15.00

6 ) Deltec MCE 600 Hangon skimmer - $ 200.00

** Recently got it from another reefer but due to change of plan, not using it anymore..

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