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Filtration questions

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Hey bros,

I have a sudden thought that run through my mind when I am looking at my aquarium today. Maybe some bros can shed some thoughts and views on this.

1) My aquarium is running an overflow to the sump tank (I belive most people are). And the waterfall sound can be quite crazy and what I did long before was to push 2 layers of black filtration sponges into the overflow filter to reduce the waterfall impact. It works but I have to pull out those sponges for rinsing on and off. Today, I suddenly thinking how about replacing the sponges with many many bio balls instead and kinda like convert it to a wet-dry filter. Not sure if this thought is feasible...

2) My previous tank is using an IOS where there I can afford a dry-wet section for bio balls. Ever since I purchase the new tank which comes with the sump, there isn't a 'dry' section anymore in the sump. Instead of wasting the bio balls, I put them into the sump - part of the 'wet' section - not sure whether this is a good idea (anyway, been done 1 year ago). So the question is should I reuse the bio balls in the wet section, or are ceramic rings a better media for the wet section?

Thanks in advance!


Aquarium: 48" x 18" x 24" tank with 24" x 15" x 15" sump (approx. 150 gallons)
Equipment: Maxspect Razor 320W, Vortech MP40, Vertex Omega 180i, Eheim 1262 return pump, Hailea HS 66A, Bacteria King
Fish and coral food: Henry's Reefgourmet pellets, Preis coral energizer, Kent Marine PhytoPlex, Brightwell Reef Snow, Two-Little Fishies Marine Snow
Dosage: Triton Elements


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Is your overflow using durso pipes, if yes, it can be tune to bring up the water level higher thereby reducing the water crashing noise.

See link herewith -

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