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2 Feet nano tank


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hi guys, ages ago i posted something about my 1.5 feet tank that unfortunately crashed, due to the irregular water changes (from weekly, to suddenly every few days and then bam! tank crash. i guess a nano tank really doesn't handle sudden changes well) whatever the reason, i'm back again with a slightly bigger tank that's been running for a month plus.

Tank: 2 feet tank, roughly width 1 feet, height 1 feet, 15 gallons


Jebo 178, forgot the L/Hrs but its rated for 30 gallons. bought mainly for water flow and housing activated carbon, not protein skimming.

Berlin airlift, a airstone skimmer that i bought when i was just new to the hobby. wooden air stone changed whenever not enough bubbles, driven with a 480 L/Hour air pump.

and lastly lots of live rock and a few inches of sand.

Filter media:

Carbonit-P activated carbon changed once a month,

a nitrate reduction floss pad that i'm considering removing soon.


hailea-100a, i think its 1/15 or 1/10 HP i forgot. driven by a 600 L/hour powerhead


Aquazonic, 2 x 24W T5, actinic blue and super sun 12000, with auto timer from 2 pm to 11 pm

will post pictures another day, because my tank lights are already off.

and with more details as well!

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hi everyone so here are some pictures


so as you can see, theres not much life in there, in fact the only thing i have are some mushrooms and an anemone, i didn't really buy the anemone but it was purchased by a family member. although i know they don't do well in unestablished tanks but i'm trying my best to keep it alive.

The reason why there isn't much is because i'm still studying and not earning money yet, so have to slowly stock, and i lost quite alot during the last tank crash, so i'm not so eager to lose so much again.

if i had the money i would definitely upgrade my skimmer but for now i'm sticking to the air stone, and as you can see cause i bought quite a strong air pump the bubble output is actually not that bad. the gunk you see was collected in just one day.

i do weekly water changes with red sea salt, i avoid doing daily water top offs. because i feel the less i touch it the better off it is.

cause of the limited test kits that i have, which were given to me, i only have a few parameters to share.

salinity, 1.026

dkh 7.7 to 8.6

calcium, 350 ppm

temperature 27 degrees

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone, i've been absent quite awhile cause i've been up to some DIY project, i've been building a overflow pipe connected to a plastic container that i found lying around the house which i'm quite happy with, i'll post pictures later on tonight.

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actually u shd do daily top up of water, the amount of water loss in a week can b kind of dramatic

that's true, but i have some really bad experience doing it, i always have to cross my fingers when i do top offs, haha. perhaps its the Ph, or temperature or amount, of whatever variable.

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