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my new 4 ft tank


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  • SRC Member

with mi 1mths plus

upgrade from my 3 feet

main 4x2x2.5ftwidth

sump 3x1.5x1.5ft

4-5inch c0

LR around 100kg

Ammonia 0

Nitrite 0

Nitrate 25mg

Calcium 400


2x150w 10000k mh using fan to cool....

1xActinic Blue t5

1x Actinic Blue fl

1X weipro 2012 skimmer soon upgrade to H&S

temp 28


x4 green chroims

x1 common clown

x1 yellow tang

x1 skunk clown

x1 sea Cucumber

x1 aglae Blenny


OuR LoVe StOrY SiTe->http://ohjs83.multiply.com

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A nice and clean setup ;)

maybe a little height may look even nicer.It all depend on your personal taste.

I know it is tough to stack the rockworks and stock the corals to make the tank look good for all 3 sides :whistle

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u should have use the CR4900, which is rated @ 3800L per hour,'however, it is rated at 70W. You may want ti direct the water current downwards

May I know what is the wattage for your CR return pump ?


maybe going to get Laguna Utility Pump 5 and scwd act as wave maker ....

OuR LoVe StOrY SiTe->http://ohjs83.multiply.com

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