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WTS: some SPS and zoo frags

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

Hoping to clear some of my frags to make space for new ones.

All frags have been conditioned and stable for more than 3 months.

Collection place at Bt Panjang.

PM me if you are interested.

Note: FCFS. Pilots pls stay clear~

3 frags of rainbow monti (each @ $40)

**Those that are not circled either reserved for fellow reefers or my own collections**


2 frags of purple death palys (left @ $40, right @ $50)


Green plating monti with green polyps frag ($15)


Light green palys with few water melon zoos frag ($15)


Green acropora carolina frag ($10)


My fav collection, "Somewhere Over The Rainbow" millepora frag ($100)

A mixture of pink, blue, red and green body with red corallites.

**This was grew from LED and color will probably be better under T5 or MH**

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My small mother colony grew from a frag which I got from Cedric


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PMed you...

Tank : 3 x 2 x 1.8 ( setup end Feb 2014 ) --> 4 x 2 x 1.8 ( setup early Nov 2016 )
Skimmer : Bubble Magus NAC6 --> Bubble Magus Curve 7
Return pump : Jebao 10000l/h ( down in 17th December 2014 ) --> Jebao DC-12000 ( 19th December 2014 )
Compressor drop-in coil
Wavemaker : Tunze 6105 x 1
Lights : Modular based DIY LED light x 4

Chaeto in the sump

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  • SRC Member


3 frags of rainbow monti (each @ $40) - 1 frag RESERVED for collection

Green plating monti with green polyps frag ($15) - RESERVED for collection

Light green palys with few water melon zoos frag ($15) - RESERVED for collection

Green acropora carolina frag ($10) - RESERVED for collection

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Yo, SOTR is a beauty and was named after the song Somewhere Over The Rainbow. Mr Viper , you should take a better photo to show this gem. If not, borrow a photo from the net and you find many sps reefers drawn to this very colourful sps.

A must for exotic sps lovers.


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The photos taken always ended up very blueish leh.

Blame myself for the lousy shots.

I prefer fellow reefers to see "WYSWYG" photo.

Dun wan later ask me "eh.....how comes not the same from your photo wan......" then i also dunno how to answer. LOL!

No urgency of selling it, just wanna clear some space coz the king midas zoos are spreading like wild fire!!

Need to frag out those which have attached to the eggcrate and nearby frags :pinch: :pinch: :pinch: :pinch:

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A little history from reeffarmers helps.......

The Acropora millepora species of stony coral has been imported into the United States since the early to mid 1990's. Over the years we have seen many different color morphs and a few of these have been made Limited Edition corals. The new Somewhere Over the Rainbow Millepora (SOTRM) however has the most incredible rainbow mix of pigments that we have seen. The surface of the coral includes the following pigments (orange, red, purple, green and blue). Polyps are red with an extended white tentacle. Corallites are edged red that varies to purple and then green branch stems. New branch stems are blue, while new axial growth tips are purple. In some areas of the base the red pigments mix with the green pigments to develop an orange coloration.

Reeffarmers received our seed fragment and the first edition fragment of this coral directly from World Wide Corals. Victor Fornari of WWC originally acquired a fragment of this coral from John Dodd of Davis California back in April 2009. Unfortunately several weeks later John experienced a tank crash and the entire original colony was lost. Victor of WWC had the only distributed captive fragment. The fragment was placed into the 300 gallon show tank at WWC, where it grew into the incredible small colony imaged above.

So how in the world did this incredible rainbow Acropora millepora get called the Somewhere Over the Rainbow Millepora ? Steve Tyree of Reeffarmers did coin the name while visitng WWC, but that name was based on the original name that Victor Fornari was developing. Victor definitely thought that Rainbow needed to be in the name, due to the corals incredible rainbow coloration. There were a few variations of Rainbow names thrown around the crowd of coral enthusiasts that were admiring the show reef at WWC. For some reason, as Steve was trying to think of the most intense rainbow he had seen or heard about, this song name just came to him. Since we may never know exactly why that song popped into his head, perhaps we can at least listen and read the lyrics of the song itself. Somewhere Over The Rainbow.


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Imo, SOTR is one of the most rare and unique mille / prostrata available in the market. So it's not surprise that many has not seen it in person to appreciate it's beauty.

As in most commodity, rare stuff are hard to come by and are priced according to it's beauty and rarity. For your frag size and health, price is consider very reasonable - if you are not in the hurry, just keep it for those Someone Out There Roaming around for gems and they will find you someday. ^_^

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • SRC Member

Thx bro cedric.

This was fragged from new growth on the original frag i got from u (your frag is starting to grow very fast now).

Partly I fragged it to place it near to the light source and now also baking under T5 - purple plus n blue plus tubes (wanna see if it can color up further).

Let's see how the color turns out coz the T5 is only power up 2 days ago.

Mabbe if the color turns out better, the price might just gone up! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

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2 frags of purple death palys (left @ $40, right @ $50) - left frag *SOLD*

Right frag still avail!!

Very purple. See to believe!! LOL! KNS I machiam salesperson :chair: :chair:

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Is the t5 working better than led?

Cannot comments yet bro.

Oni started power up the T5 2 days ago.

So far, my mazzara leds can't seems to bring out red (as in SPS body not polyps).

But it's very hard to say coz it will still depends on the leds bulb itself.

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  • SRC Member


3 frags of rainbow monti (each @ $40) - 1 frag sold, 1 frag reserved for collection, 1 frag still available

2 frags of purple death palys (left @ $40, right @ $50) - left frag sold, right frag still available

Green plating monti with green polyps frag ($15) - sold

Light green palys with few water melon zoos frag ($15) - Reserved for collection

Green acropora carolina frag ($10) - sold

SOTR frag - sold

Met many nice reefers during collection and Iwarna shipment today :friends: :friends: :friends: :friends:

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