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ryz's new 3 feet tank


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lol... my PBTs died of ich man... so I guess it is and anthias tank now... major casualties man... quite a few of my dispars/PQ even died of ich... maybe it's because I took like an hour setting up my skimmer.. offed everything... stressed them too much :(

gonna wait for 2 more months or so for my tank to stabilise b4 any new introduction of fishes.

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oh BTW, changed my bulb to coralvue 10,000Kelvin...

zoomed shot of the mouth..

now there's a significant part of it's body thats bulging.. probably moved the prawn to it's stomach or something.


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PQ probably all eaten... some I find them dead with Huge holes in their body.. even my dispars left a few only.. my Powder Blue tang was almost stripped to it's bones when I found it... F*** how now? some crabs are darn big..

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PQ probably all eaten... some I find them dead with Huge holes in their body.. even my dispars left a few only.. my Powder Blue tang was almost stripped to it's bones when I found it... F*** how now? some crabs are darn big..

go get an octopus. some say it will eat ur fished but just get a small one dat is big enough to kill crabs. saw crabs in my 2footer aredi. shit <_<

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One of my frogspawn's head split from one into 4!!! wow!! My xenia, Jewel and torch is also growing... can see the heads of my torch splitting into smaller ones!! growing in size by the day.. Xenia growing small colony by the side, splitting main branch into 2, the small colonies have seperated or almost seperated from the main branches.... Can see skeleton extension on my jewel coral also!


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Think I'm not gonna add any fish for 2 months.. just corals... now think only have like 3 fishes left..

hope they dun get eaten too...

very leche to set trap leh.. nthen I need to set like 10 traps..

SIgh~ anyway these two days sent my aircon for servicing.. didn't know y tank temp was so dependant on the aircon.. temp rose to 28.9!!! most of my xenia died, my torch's 2 heads died, crocea had weird mantle extension...

Just got my aircon back... temp now 27... Now everything except my crocea is back to normal.. my croceas mantle extension still abit weird... but better than yesterday..

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My clams... Notice the weird mantle extension... Curled outwards touching it's shell.. Compared to before when it's outstretched... Some say it's forming new scutes, Meaning it's growing... I certainly hope so man...


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I used to have... now only left 1 dispar 1 firefish goby... my blennies MIA..(death unconfirmed) the rest all eaten up by crabs or got ich and died... No never go shopping.., why?? nothing new in tank what...

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