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ryz's new 3 feet tank


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  • SRC Member

Hey, I bought 55kg worth or Liverock about a week or so ago for my 3feet tank. Didn't have to cycle cause I had minimal dieoff and there was already beneficial bacteria in the LR. Actually I did add pieces of prawns in the tank befoire I got the LR to let bacteria colonize my coral chips. Added a skunk cleaner shrimp to the tank. Eating well, doing fine. Haven't got my MH hung up yet cause noone to drill my ceiling for me.. :(

I will post a pic of my tank as soon as my father gets back with the Digital Camera. The Liverock came with a lot of life!! There are mushrooms tubeworms, shrimps snails and even some softies!(currently sustaining on 55w of PL and 30W of FL) :)

I am currently using a weipro 2011 as my skimmer and an atman PH(3500 l/h) as my return pump.

I'm planning on using 150W 10,000Kelvin DE metal halide and one 55W PL light for this tank.

I am planning on keeping the following things in my Tank and hope that you ppl can advice me on proper husbandry etc.


2 x Yellow tang

2 x Firefish goby

2 x Purple Firefish

2 x Six Line Wrasse

2 x Clown goby

1 x yellow watchman Goby

2 x Percula

4 x Anthias(is this too muuch fish? I can do without the anthias.)


4 x Skunk Cleaner Shrimp

1 x Blood fire shrimp

8 x Turbo astrea snails

1 x Blue Linkia(can anybody advise me on this? Dunno how to take care or know if it's reef safe)


Torch corals

Hammer corals

Frogspawn Corals

Fox Corals

Candy Cane Corals

Some Fungia

heliofungia actiformis

Goniopora sp.(transfering from other tank)

Bubble corals(plerogyra sinousa probably)

Montipora Digita

Devil's finger leather coral

Sinularia sp

Green Star Polyps(clavularia or pachy clavularia? forgot)

Anthelia sp.

Carnation tree coral?

Tridacna Squamosa Clam

Tridacna Maxima(maybe.... Think I do not have enough light?)





Yep.Think thats about all. Might add on some ###### stuff afterwards too.

Is my selection of tank inhabitants feasible? any proper husbandry tips?

Live and Let Live

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2 yellow tangs? hmmm are they friendly? :lol:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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  • SRC Member

Wah... thats alot of rocks! thought you were a poor student on a buget?? Must have been just trying to get discount from me rite!! ke ke...... :P:P:evil::evil:

Glad to hear that you are doing up the tank liaoz... As for the pics you PM me about, Just click on the link 'My Tanks' below on my signature then can view them liaoz. Good luck on your new tank and hope to see you posting on member tanks and spec soon. :yeah::yeah:

You plannig to get MH? good choice but if planning to get only one, would recommend a 250watt. Plus have you made plans on how to cool?? if not using chiller, need to design properly or water will be hot. <_<

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LS is a bit plentiful in a 3ft tank, dude :nc:

as long it is holding , Possible...

montipora holding well w/o MH???

I agreed.

There is too much fishes.

Maybe he should drop the tang since they are the ones that can grow really really big.

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HAHA. thanks for the replies. Just got back from M'sia. OK I guess I'll stick with 1 yellow tang. I already bought the MHY. Also think not enough. so gonna supplement it with 2 55 watts PL light. WHy cannot keep anthias?? Very nice leh. Why cannot? HAHA I got my Liverock for 300 bucks only!! yea I know the weipro 2011 is a little too weak to efficiently skim my water. But I thought the guy was offering me a good deal(30 bucks for 2011) after I buy, Another person ofered me a 2013 for 35 bucks!!!! OMG.. sigh~ nvm.... Think I will post a few pics of my LR tonight. hahahaha. Haven't transfered or bought any corals yet as my MH is not up. need someone to drill holes for me!!!

Live and Let Live

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  • SRC Member

Why are you setting up another tank? One not enough?


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want to keep anthias ....

cun keep six-lined wrasse (quite aggressive)

and clown fish,

avoid the clown goby(mine pecked at the mantle of my clams) too.

go for a YT and the anthias...beautiful enough.

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HAH different themed tanks. One is aggresive tank, the other one will convert to invert tank from reef. This one is mixed reef tank. SO I go with ANthias Yellow Tang and my firefish gobies and purple firefish?

Live and Let Live

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Live rocks in tank. Under 150 Watts DE 10,000Kelvin. Not hanging from ceiling YET cause noone to drill for me. Now resting on the tank supports. The light is almost touching the water! less than 0.5 cm away from the surface. haha Temperature surprisingly not too high.


Live and Let Live

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The light is almost touching the water! less than 0.5 cm away from the surface. haha .

Boy...you are brave....actually hobby is one thing...risking your family member is another....you might want to be careful...never know...(touch wood)

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