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Happy Birthday, Terry Siegel!

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The Godfather of Reefkeeping

In the formative years of the marine aquarium hobby, very little information about captive sea life husbandry existed in North America (or the world).   Circa 1970, Terry Siegel changed the landscape of our budding hobby by co-founding the periodical The Marine Aquarist.  From The Marine Aquarist to Aquarium Frontiers and now Advanced Aquarist, few people have had a more influential impact on advancing the state of the marine aquariums through scientifically sound information removed of commercial interests.   It is safe to say marine aquarists are where we are today because of Terry Siegel; His fingerprint is found everywhere in our hobby.

And so Advanced Aquarist takes great pleasure in wishing our Editor in Chief a very Happy Birthday.  We thank you for your life-long dedication to aquarists and to this magazine (now 10 years strong).

The man.  Enough said!

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