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First Time Of Setting Up of 2x2FT Tank

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  • SRC Member
I read about damsel... very hard to get rid of. Maybe I will start with coral first before I get some fishes later.

Maybe I will get

1 yellow tank

1 six line

Any other recommended fish that is useful for SPS? Where can I get to buy a large varieties of fishes? I went to iwarna, not many fishes there...

Interested to know too.

You technically need dynamite to get them out

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Reefing marine need to have a lot of patient and husbandry. I have my tank running for 2 months and still cycling and getting everything ready of them.

This is like you won't move in to a house to stay if it is not properly done up right! So pls consider that all fishes and corals are living things. We are here to take care of it else best not to touch it at all.

There are tons of information in this forum and RC forum that you can benefit from it.

Patient n knowledge is the key to Reefing and saving Gaia.

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