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WTS : Toby puffer


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Discover that some blasto coral that was nipped a little earlier.

I have a flame angel , coral beauty , blue tang and this Toby puffer as main suspects.

My bet is the Toby did it.

Its a cute fish but my corals are more precious to me.

Approximately 3 inches. Feeding on frozen food. Willing to sell for $5. Collection Marine Parade.

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Bro. I dun mind if we swap w a frag of any of your zoas? But u dare meh ? i didn't witness it nipping my coral but i think between this and my dwarf angels , this cute fella is more suspicious.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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The Leopard Toby Puffer is a deepwater reef species that is relatively new to the aquarium trade. This new Toby Puffer may be small, but it's big on color and personality. This exotic dynamo has both stripes on its anterior and spots along its sides, with touches of iridescent blue highlighting the eyes and tail.

Members of the Canthigaster genus are called Sharp-nosed Puffers or Tobies. It lacks pelvic fins, but has learned to use the pectoral fins to move about the aquarium.

A 30 gallon or larger, fish-only aquarium is suitable. It may be aggressive at times, nipping the fins of tank mates, leaving a circular hole as its mark. Its teeth are actually a fused beak-like structure. It will eat invertebrates found in a reef tank. It becomes alarmed when in a net, therefore, use a container to transfer it.

The Leopard Puffer needs a varied diet of meaty foods including: squid, krill, clams, and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever-growing teeth.

5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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Kent this is not a leoparda, it is a valentini... :thumbsup:

Thanks Terry.

QUICK STATS Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons Care Level: Moderate Temperament: Semi-aggressive Reef Compatible: With Caution Water Conditions: 72-78° F, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.020-1.025 Max. Size: 4" Color Form: Black, Blue, Orange, Tan, Yellow Diet: Omnivore Compatibility: View Chart Origin: Hawaii, Indonesia, Sumatra Family: Tetraodontidae

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The Saddle Valentini Puffer, also known as the Black Saddle Pufferfish, Blacksaddled Toby, Valentini Toby, or Saddled Toby. Members of the Canthigaster genus are called Sharp-nosed Puffers or Tobies. The Saddle Valentini Puffer is a bright and colorful fish with dark brown bands across the midsection, brownish-orange spotting on the lower half, yellow fins, and blue striping running along the back. It lacks pelvic fins, but has learned to use the pectoral fins to move about the aquarium.

A 30 gallon or larger, fish-only aquarium is suitable. It will fight with conspecifics such as the filefish, large finned fish, and other tobies. It may be aggressive at times, nipping the fins of tank mates, leaving a circular hole as its mark. It will also eat invertebrates found in a reef tank. Its teeth are actually a fused beak-like structure.

Parts of its flesh are poisonous. It has the ability, when threatened or alarmed, to inflate its body to almost twice its normal size. It becomes alarmed when netted, therefore, use a container to transfer it.

The Saddle Valentini Puffer needs a varied diet of meaty foods including; squid, krill, clams, and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth.

5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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