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Fresh water dip

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You have to ensure that the PH is the same as your tank or you will stress your fish.

Water temperature is less important but it will be good not to have too much temperature variation.

Some fishes do not take freshwater dips very well.

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Freshwater PH should be around 7.

You can raise it up with Seachem Reef Builder which is a PH additive. I guess you can use kalk but you have to make sure its all dissolved as its caustic and can hurt your fish if it enters their gills.

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I dare not risk as i have a bad experience with me flame angel.. I dip it into a pail of freshwater in the night and you know what........ I SLEp :snore::snore: and forget to change the fish back :blink: . And in the morning ,i found my newly bought flame angel :upsidedown::upsidedown: . ITs my fault .. :cry2:

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  • SRC Member

I've dipped my clowns in freshwater for 30 minutes before and they seem quite at home after a while. Never use kalk to balance pH. Use Reef Builder in tiny amounts.


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Yea..tried it around 30 mins too for my maroon clown last time...din even bother to adjust the pH..just used dechlorinated water. No problems for me....maybe because my clown was a tough fella. Just keep an eye on the fish and transfer it back when you see it having difficulty balancing itself. :lol:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

I stay in Tampines.

I use a PH pen to test my tapwater. Readings are mostly 8.6-8.8 .

That's why initially I thought my PH pen is spolit. Used a PH buffer on the PH pen and it showed 7.

So what can I do to reduce the PH?

I never test GH and GK levels.

Anyone has these kinds of levels?

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  • SRC Member

As in even surviving in freshwater for 1 whole minute with no ill effect is surprising to me. Thought they'd die of salinity shock or something.

you'll be suprised at some fishes.. bigger guppies can live in a saltwater for a whole 12hours or more...

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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