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Evergrow 60W-CREE Dimmable Aquarium Light. Anyone using? Reviews?


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  • SRC Member

Ya. I reckon I should too.

I actually started a BO thread. Upon sending, the pop up message mentions that the admin will release the thread in due course (or something like this).

Still waiting now.

Can't wait to get the new lighting.. Lol

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Close to SGD600 ... :wacko: !

Personnelly feel that pay another more for a good brand such as Radion or Orphek might be a good option as the price for ROC product includes shipping charge are not cheaper either and also take into the consideration like, after sale support, many features integrated with nice silm outlook..etc :thumbsup: !

i paid 550 for my eshine. Radion and orphek is 1k plus wor almost double. And i do see growth in my sps ,however i only keep easy sps such as monti and birdnest :)

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i paid 550 for my eshine. Radion and orphek is 1k plus wor almost double. And i do see growth in my sps ,however i only keep easy sps such as monti and birdnest :)

It's depend what you needs, if you place the eshine and radion or orphek side by side than you will know what I mean...LOL! Anyway, It's indiviual choice so I'm grad you happy with your LED... :thumbsup: !

For me....I still love to DIY my own LED lighting..... :whistle .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • SRC Member
Yea the appearance is really very lousy lol but in terms of value for money it's stands out alot ^.^

Hey bro, how lousy is lousy?

It looks pretty decent on the website. Is it so deceptive?

Or do you have a pic of the set you're currently using?

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Yea the appearance is really very lousy lol but in terms of value for money it's stands out alot ^.^

Beside that, the features/special functions, hardware/software, lens used, after sale support, self servicable...must also take it ointo consideration.

For ROC brand, I personnelly prefer Pharos LEDs.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Beside that, the features/special functions, hardware/software, lens used, after sale support, self servicable...must also take it ointo consideration.

For ROC brand, I personnelly prefer Pharos LEDs.

I'm with u. Was checking out on the Pharos LED 90 Wireless controller LED. I wonder if 1 unit can support 3 feet tanks.. 2 units = 1K+++ (almost 1 month pay gone) i must be crazy..

Teh'sTankSetup Decomm on 18/8/2012

Tank: 2x1x1 Rimless Tank (Sumpless)

Lighting: Aquazonic 2x24watts T5 (Actinic x Sun White)

Moonlight: Acardia 1W Led Light (Blue)

Filter: ISTA Max Care Cannister

Skimmer: Bubble Magus E3

Chiller: Resun CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Wave: Boyu WM-25

Commissioned 20/9/2012

Tank: 3x2x2.5

Lighting: 250w DeLighting MH/ 2x 39w Delighting Diy T5 ATI Blue Plus

Skimmer: H&S Skimmer Type 110-F2000

Chiller: CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Reactor: D&D H2Ocean FMR 75 (ADA 1500 Pump)(Rowaphos)

Wavemaker: 2x SunSun Wavemaker (3000L)


Conch ll Basic

ATO System/Tunze Osmolator

Magic Marine 3CH Dosing Pump

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  • SRC Member

Headache to me too... Still looking a reasonable pricing for a good LED fixtures...

More Research = More Brands = More Headache

Teh'sTankSetup Decomm on 18/8/2012

Tank: 2x1x1 Rimless Tank (Sumpless)

Lighting: Aquazonic 2x24watts T5 (Actinic x Sun White)

Moonlight: Acardia 1W Led Light (Blue)

Filter: ISTA Max Care Cannister

Skimmer: Bubble Magus E3

Chiller: Resun CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Wave: Boyu WM-25

Commissioned 20/9/2012

Tank: 3x2x2.5

Lighting: 250w DeLighting MH/ 2x 39w Delighting Diy T5 ATI Blue Plus

Skimmer: H&S Skimmer Type 110-F2000

Chiller: CL450 (Aquazonic Evo Pump)

Return Pump: Eheim 1260

Reactor: D&D H2Ocean FMR 75 (ADA 1500 Pump)(Rowaphos)

Wavemaker: 2x SunSun Wavemaker (3000L)


Conch ll Basic

ATO System/Tunze Osmolator

Magic Marine 3CH Dosing Pump

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