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Impossible to use a laptop these days

Achilles Tang

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What an oxymoron... a laptop that you can't put on your lap because of the intense heat generated by today's laptop!

Anyone knows of a gadget in the form of a flat base that can be attached below the laptop, with a USB powered fan(s).

It's also stupid to have to reboot your laptop because the heat eventually slows it down significantly.

ps - its my wife's laptop... and she's always griping about it too.

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Hmmm... any good brands/models to recommend? Err.. how much will it cost me? Do they really reduce a lot of heat? And prevent heat from reaching your skin?

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  • SRC Member

actually they are very small "only 2 or or more blades on them~~~ can keep u a bit cool down~~ but if want serious cool~~ i dun think so~~ and they draw power from your laptop..so in another way also reduce the battery life of your laptop

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  • SRC Member

hello AT

managed to get a review of this usb fan for you

Any fan will make noise...it's air being moved past plastic blades, of course it makes noise (what fan doesn't?). It has a relatively small cone of effect - which, if using a laptop that doesn't have heat problems (i.e. ANY iBook or PowerBook under normal use) that will adequately cool one's face. It really does a great job of this. Any undue drain on the battery could indicate a poorly designed USB power bus on the particular model computer, but is certainly not a universally experienced effect.

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  • SRC Member
Do they really reduce a lot of heat? And prevent heat from reaching your skin?

Depends, some of the more reputable ones r capable of dissipating the heat faster n also does not generate tat much heat.

I have tried using 2 brands of notebk. Both of r the same specs, after running 1hr, the heat rate generated is totally different, one is really hot while the other one is not.

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Hmmm... looks like there's a market for such a device then!!

I'm gonna submit my patent for a temperature controllable peltier heatsink ceramic laptop cooler with inbuild lap massaging function!

It'll be a sell out... I just need some investment funds... any angels around?

Till then... I'll look around for the $20 device and make do.

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  • SRC Member

totally agree... my previous hp omnibook and apple powerbook can get so hot that you can actually fry an egg on them.... after searching ard, the only two laptops that i have used so far and have not burnt me lap are the new iBook and the newly revamp ibm ones... those using centrino... i have been using these surfing the net and on this forum witout any problems.... and they are on me lap all the time.... :P

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  • SRC Member


1. Bad posture causes backache and neckache, if you use laptop on your lap. :rolleyes:

2. For male, heat generated from the laptop on your lap may cause impotency.

3. Laptop is extremely useful in cold countries. :lol:

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