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My 3 Ft tank

Power Blue

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  • SRC Member

Hi members,

Some pictures of my 17 months old 3 ft. tank, any ideas and suggestion for improvment are welcome.


1)12mm think glass 3 X 2 X 2 ft. with sump 30L X 18W X 16H inches

Powered by:

2)Prizm protein skimmer

3) Eheim 1260

4) Eheim 2215 (carbon / poly fliter)

5) T5 x 4 39W (White) T5 X 1 (Blue)

6) 3 X 4 inches A/C fan

7) 1 X T5 Osram 2 ft. white for alga

8) 30 lbs CaribSea aragonite reef sand in sump tank

Ammonia 0

Nitrite/ Nitrate no measure

Calcium 420

PH 8.2 - 8.3

Temp. 26.5 - 27 (plus 1 deg.C during hot period)

8 hrs photosyn. daily


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Thanks brothers,

Any suggestion or ideas on improvement in term of LR or coral location or equipment used? Still not very happy about it.


Thanks in advance :thanks:

your Prizm protein skimmer is it effective..?

suggest u change to something else..

does it give u thick kopi..??

the setup is good, but u can only place limited quantity

of corals. n I think your LS seem too many.. hehe..

u could either reduce your LS n add more corals with

rescaping. or rescape with some nice tonga, plenty of

lobang for fishes to swim more..

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Hi friend,

i know what you mean, we are all loking for "tu puo" a break through in the look of our tanks.

Here is a link for aquascaping for your inspiration : http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...&hl=aquascaping

My suggestion is use MH to bring the intensity of the colour of the corals. + use more creative placement of teh rocks : like using bridges, towers. I think the best looking rock placement is having twin islands of rocks + a bridge.

Together we work towards a better looking tank !!!!


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Hi, you have a very nice tank. I'm very new to the hobby. I started off with a 2' tank but it had given me lots of problems. Could I share of its with you? May be you could provide me with some answers.

1. Brown hairy algaes formation on LR and glass. Some friends told me that it was the tap water that I used that caused the problem. So I started using distilled water for top-up and changing of water but it was costly. Do you use tap water yourself or do you use sea water during initial set-up. I find out it' much cheaper!

2. How do you control your NH4 and NO2? I can see that you have quite a number of fishes. My fishes, about 5, were wipe out in 5 days and the whole eco-systems collapse. So now I'm starting all over again.

May be you could give me a few pointers on how to do the initial set-up properly? What are the things that I should buy and look out for if I want to keep corals.

Thank You and best regards.

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  • SRC Member

Hi brothers,

Your suggestions and ideas are highly appreciated. Cause no experience in using MH. What your good recommandation on MH for my 3x2x2 ft.(main) and sump 30x20x18 inches tank? Appro. about 450 liters. How many MH needed, what the wattage & KV? Understanded, if using MH, I need a chiller also. Which brand and how many horsepower you think enough to keep running for at least 10 hours of photosyn. daily and maintance temp. around 25 ~ 26 deg. C. Most importance what is the est. cost for both chiller and MH?


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