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  • SRC Member

hi all,

I have just custom make a tank which cost me about $190 (3ftx2ftx2ft 10 mm all round) anf aslo custom make wooden cabin cost me about $360 (3ftx2ftx3ft with about 1" wood) will be realy by 10/10 which I can start to keep reef , fish n corals loh.....

As for my tank n cabin which I been round to look out I find this is the cheaper I can got tank n cabin cost me only $550 for that size.... the rest i ask range from $700+ to 1000++.

For the tank filter system i will using canister Ehiem 2227 ( abt $180) with PS ( Air Pump type cost $20+ or the powerhead type $30+ which is better?), Surface skimmer 3 power head (2big n 1 small) as for lighting system will be DIY 2 10K or 1 10k n 1 20k with 2 blue light (2.5ft) what esle do I need ? At the present movement i dun intent to have chiller (due to$$$) which I had see of of my friend tank his temp is 31 every time still going fine for mths lor, maybe I will try it too hehehehe so any advice for u all like where can I get all those thing like LS and Acc. which is cheap n nice? I had been going round all most all the LS shop in singapore I find some is cheap n good some not? Any advice?

Please advice me on all this issue can? Thank n regards. :):):P

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Welcome to the hobby!

I hope you have read as much material or reference books as you can on starting a marine tank.

Remember, patience is the most important key to success and that is where many people fail.

Don't rush into things. READ and learn, THINK before ACTING. Good things happen slowly, bad things happen quickly.

Read about compatible species of fish for a reef tank. About corals or invertebrates' food/lighting requirements. Avoid sensitive or poisonous species. Stock up SLOWLY.

If in doubt, pls ask.

We are more than willing to help but you will need a open mind.

Buy the best you can afford. Don't skimp on good equipment. You will save a lot of money later because you will end up upgrading your stuff when you realize how inadequate they were.

Good luck!

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hi all,

I have just custom make a tank which cost me about $190 (3ftx2ftx2ft 10 mm all round) anf aslo custom make wooden cabin cost me about $360 (3ftx2ftx3ft with about 1" wood) will be realy by 10/10 which I can start to keep reef , fish n corals loh.....

As for my tank n cabin which I been round to look out I find this is the cheaper I can got tank n cabin cost me only $550 for that size.... the rest i ask range from $700+ to 1000++.

For the tank filter system i will using canister Ehiem 2227 ( abt $180) with PS ( Air Pump type cost $20+ or the powerhead type $30+ which is better?), Surface skimmer 3 power head (2big n 1 small) as for lighting system will be DIY 2 10K or 1 10k n 1 20k with 2 blue light (2.5ft) what esle do I need ? At the present movement i dun intent to have chiller (due to$$$) which I had see of of my friend tank his temp is 31 every time still going fine for mths lor, maybe I will try it too hehehehe so any advice for u all like where can I get all those thing like LS and Acc. which is cheap n nice? I had been going round all most all the LS shop in singapore I find some is cheap n good some not? Any advice?

Please advice me on all this issue can? Thank n regards. :):):P

Hi ECBM, nice to know you are starting reef keeping. If you intend to keep corals, it will be better for you to invest a chiller. 31oC is not good for corals reef and most of the corals temp. should best maintain at 26.5oC +- 1oC. Ofcos' below 30oC is still OK for some but if you ready want a nice and success reef tank. Water temp. is one of the factor to consider abt. Try at lest add a A/C cooling fan for the tank cost around $35 if you are ready under to invest on chiller currently.

I'm also using canister filters for my 4ft. (2x2217) for a year now so I would said filteration system is not an issues. Protein skimmer, $20 type is OK, just change the air stone to wooden air stone, better performance. Lighting system for your 3ft, Depend on what corals you intend to keep, if hard corals, best MH but FL still workable at 2x20K, 1x10K marine white & 1x10K Marine blue. If you are target on soft corals which require less light, 3x10K white with 1x10k blue will do the job. The problem of FL is that you have to change the tube every 1/2 a year.

Well my comments is just on the few basic hardwares which there more to add. And as per AT's advise on the 'software' like patience, planning, know what you are doing or jumping into it are also factors that not to be skip. Anyway, do ask in this forum and you will get your ans. easily as there a lot of experience reef keepper around. Not me of cos' I'm just in K2 lah.....

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  • SRC Member

Hi Achilles Tang, Ong, houggixian

thanks for all ur advice, I will take note of it! Any way maybe u guys can advice me on wat type of fish n corals to keep for new babe like me?


I know then sump system is good but i just dislike the layout... well... maybe be the next I upgarde my tank i will take note of it, thanks!

Achilles Tang

I had read a numbers material or reference for the web side, maybe you can tell me where esle can i get more info on it? any advice?

Best regards.


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Hi Eddy, I think is better you chose the type of fishes and corals you like from pic. or LFS. Once you targeted the types, do some home work see if it suitable for your tank setup. A lot ppl. here can easily advise you many hardy fishes and corals for starter but you may not like it. Eg. go for damsels or mushroom which you may not like it at all or you may start with them, keep for a period of time, end up find it not nice, other is better so give away and find it so diff to catch them out, end up has to tear down the full setup for just one or two fishes and so on. Waste time, money and even lives (fishes & corals).

Plan for the fishes or corals you intend to keep from start, do reseach on each indiviual info. in details, ask around, make a comparision check and setup your tank to suit them. Is much better in this way, do it right at the 1st time. Reef/Fish keepping is very diff. just FOWLR and of cos' totally diff. from FW. Just my comments.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks ong I will take note of it.

do any one can tell me where can I look for more material or reference on line ( in english or chinese also can) I wish to find out more b4 i start to setup. once again i thanks all of u guys for the help n advice.......regards

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i recommend books like "The marine aquarium" by Nick Dakin... very informative.. available at Kino...

do get it.. will provide u with most answers that u need.. like what AT mentioned.. any other questions that u might face, post it here.. we try to solve it.. :D

if u want online sites, u can try www.aquariacentral.com...

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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Sign up as a free member and post questions. No worries about getting flamed here even if you accidentally post something that other people might consider a wrong approach to a reef/FO tank. But please observe the general web etiquette. Members are from around the globe but mainly US.


Good literature/article collection.


Generally quite good, but the people here all tend to be DSB advocates and greatly respect. Dr. Shimek.... Take all advice with a pinch of salt. You can get booted out if your posts become too 'radical' from what i've heard.


Never posted here before.


No comments, but I greatly prefer this site.


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The best US-based forum is Reef Central.

Very knowledgeable base of people. Very strong links with leading researchers and authors.

But some of the moderators also tend to be rather closed-minded & high-handed at times. Because they are Americans (right to free speech blah blah blah) they can get very opinionated and have very little tolerances for newbies and different opinions so prepare to get flamed badly if you choose to debate with them.

Many of my US acquantainces prefer to just surf for info and ask simple questions, like I do.

IMO, don't show off your tank there because the way we Asians do things are unacceptable to the general reefkeeping and ethical standards over there. You will hear of people called the Tang Police who believe that you should ONLY keep just 1 tang in a 6 foot tank.

But there's a lot of things to learn from the sheer amount of info there... so do visit RC for knowledge gathering.

It is still my fav board but I am very quiet there due to past bad experiences.

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  • SRC Member

guys thanks for your advice n help, I will take time time to read it.

I just visted this LFS at LCK afternoon, they got numbers of fishes and corals n they r very firendly too, BAC had 20 over yrs keep marines,n he told me that bset tiem to visited them is on weekend like sat n sun, of of them told me that they going ot offer the clams this weekends i ask them on thier price range for $1 to $20 for fishs fishes and corals from $8 to $30+ to me thier fishs, corals n clams look healthy n good maybe u guys like to pay visit to it. The add as follow : NEW TRIO FISHERIES 261 Neo Tiew Crescent (LCK 110) Singapore 718900 Tel: 63656041.

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  • SRC Member

I'm not a tang police but I do believe tangs and large fishes like some angels should only be kept in tanks not smaller than 4 feet and in 4 feet tanks only if there is little rock so they have more room to swim. Also, sailfin tangs are preferred over bullet shaped tangs(like powder blue and achilles) in small tanks.

I'm not an advocate of overcrowding too.

Do visit those US boards as they really have more to offer than local boards because there are so many many more expert reefers over there. They do tend to be a bit more vocal about issues but isn't that good if someone criticises you for the right thing? It will prevent a lot of mistakes and possible disasters. I'm not saying local boards are bad or inferior, local boards bring things closer to and into context of home. It allow local contacts and friendship so it's very good! Just don't write off foreign boards because those angmohs seem arrogant and haughty about their way of reefing. Besides there are so much more friendly people than the few bad hats. They know their stuff, you know.

RDO is a very nice place and Ultimate Reef is in UK for those who prefer something less yank and more continental.


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  • SRC Member

hi guys,

Do you guys got any better recommend for accesories like lighting (10k, 20k & blue light). Eheim 2217 canister power head n etc ? i plan to go Petmart for look see look see is the prine okey? please advise

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I like the about.com salt forums best because the moderator does not interfere so much except delete posts that have a high amount of vulgarities or intense insults. Flame posts are kept down by the participants when they debate it out and mutually agree to stop arguing and I have not encountered any deleting of posts just because the moderator does not agree :)

I used to be very active there but had to cut down because I started betta keeping again and joined a few new forums as well as this one :)

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  • SRC Member

Thanks alot, I had spent whole last night reading that in those web sid, after seeing Morgen tank n the advise given by Morgen I think for lighting I will for MH! so any got better advise where to get those lighting?

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The best US-based forum is Reef Central.


IMO, don't show off your tank there because the way we Asians do things are unacceptable to the general reefkeeping and ethical standards over there. You will hear of people called the Tang Police who believe that you should ONLY keep just 1 tang in a 6 foot tank.

But there's a lot of things to learn from the sheer amount of info there... so do visit RC for knowledge gathering.

It is still my fav board but I am very quiet there due to past bad experiences.

Heya AT, do u happen to use the nick crap at Reef Central? Coz i remembered some time back about this S'porean guy who got flamed after showing pics of his tank ... forgot the topic but i felt during that time it was really unfair of the moderators... sorry couldn't elaborate more coz i can't recall ...

juz tot if it was u ..

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Yup it was me. :(

The Tang Police gave me hell over there! ;) For having 4 tangs! They insisted that only max one tang only be kept in a 8 feet tank or something. Just because of one photo where my Yellow Tang had a pinched stomach because it wasn't fed yet.. I was accused of starving my tangs!

One of the mods couldn't believe my tank could look so good and accused me of lying that it was a new setup that was barely a week old as there was no visible algae on my back glass!

Ridiculous! I have to prove my tank's age by showing him closeups of algae growing and explain that I clean my walls of algae often!

I have a lot of compliments there and was even suggested for Tank of the Month... but then a few decided to spoil the fun by flaming me... and they haven't even seen my tank yet!! Some of my overseas and local supporters even got edited and banned for siding with me and scolding the mods for being too much! Things got too hot and it ended on a very ugly note.

Now I just surf there, not even bothering to help anyone by answering questions. Let the founders/mods with the God-like attitudes do that! :P

A lot of people told me later that they really felt some of the mods there were extremely high-handed and snobbish and that is why they seldom post there, just surf in. Oh... would you believe that there was once a mod in Reef Central who flamed someone for being in there for so long and never posting? :lol: Something about stealing bandwidth resources!!! :P

It's a pity because Reef Central is the BEST board around... but why let a few rotten apples spoil the barrel?

If I ever become so opinionated and high-handed like them... will someone please ban me!!! Heheheheheh!!! :blink:

Seriously, the Singapore Reef Club is a small one... and the objective is to help people, not give them hell... I'll like to keep the atmosphere friendly and helpful... and SG is so small... !!! Just the other day, I found out that Hon's wife and mine are colleagues!!! Hahahahahhahahahaa!!!!

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hahaha... so it was u!! i agree with u abt the moderators there being snobbish. hate to say this but isn't that the way majority of americans behave?

i used to go there for tips but not anymore cos the style of setting up n the attitude towards the hobby is different. rather surf ard looking at local forums where most of us share the same kinda thots.

not trying to sa kar u, but thks for this furoms specially for reef lovers! :D

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Yup... the 'infamous' Crap was me!! Hehehe!

I guess I could outtalk a few of them to frustration! Show them that we Asians are not pushoffs compared to the loud overbearing rednecks that a few of them obviously are. Heh... so racist! :lol:

I still get a lot of information from RC... just not a contributor anymore... it was something a few of the mods were working hard for.. but then a few of the mods had to destroy it! Hahaha!

I hope the culture here in SRC would be very different.... and the way things are going on since we launched a couple of weeks ago... we are going to MAKE IT GOOD!!!!


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If you guys have too much time you can check out the flame war here. Those guys aren't really that bad. I think it was a big misunderstanding. :rolleyes:


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Brings a tear to my eye everything I go back to read about it.

You should have seen how angry my wife was when I got accused of lying about my tank!!!

:D Those americans!

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Actually, it made my blood boil when I read those accusations all over again.

Anyone can come to my house and see that my 4 tangs are still happy and alive. :(

I was flushed because I used the word DAMN... and since when was that a profanity compared to what the americans always love to say?!

They edited my post and I went back in to restore it without knowing why my words didn't appear... and they thought I did it purposely. No warning nothing!

It was really a bad case of authority abuse. *shudder*

I will never allow that to happen here!

Enough about my story in RC... it's SRC now! heh!

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