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Help! GSP not opening


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Hi guys need some help here...

I have bought a newly shipped GSP from a lfs here for about 5 days now...but all I see is a few polyps popping out with small extensions.

My water parameters are:

Ammonia and nitrites 0ppm

Nitrates 10ppm

pH 7.8

phosphates not tested. (no kit)

Temperature 28 deg celcius


1 narcissus snail

1 GSP mat

It is a new tank tt's cycled with cured rocks from an old tank after 3 weeks. I have no diatoms in my tank.

My other questions are:

1. White hair like stuff on the mat and it comes with some green plants stuck to the purple base. Do I have to remove them? And how do I remove it?

2. White dots on the polyps. Normal or is it bleaching?

3. the middle part of mat is a lighter shade of purple. Is it bleaching?

Pictures are attached

Please help bros. This is my first proper coral I bought lol.



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  • SRC Member

Probably a little stressed out... I see abit of diatom on the colony... Might be good to blow at it with a wavemaker once in awhile to prevent detritus buildup between the polyps... Give it some time, will open in due course, once conditioned to ur para, it will open bigger and bigger :)

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member

Remove the GSP from your tank and manually pluck those algae with a pair of tweezers. Use a soft brush (the type for painting) and gently brush away the brown diatom. They will come back again, since your tank is still very new. It should acclimatize to your tank conditions after some time. GSP can remain closed for weeks and open up later, so don't be too worried. However, keep up with weekly water changes.

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