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Yellow Anemone for sale...


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  • SRC Member

That's because there is quite a lot of this nasty practice going on around messing with anemone colour.


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http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/uploads/post-36-1073276974.gif post-36-1073276974.gif

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There are no real yellow anemones. ;)

Sorry man... I think you bought a dyed anemone. Can I ask that you don't sell it but give it away or something? Better still if you can return it to the LFS.

It's a cruel & unethical LFS/wholesaler/collector practice which many of us hate.

Same goes for dyed dendros (carnation corals).

I think I'll start an awareness campaign on it soon.

Sorry to spoil your sale, dude.

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  • SRC Member

Will the dyed anemone definitely dies off?

While on the note, I saw a tailless percular clown in LCK this week, and I am quite sure that the tail is surgically removed because you can see the scar. :(:(:(

I think this is a very cruel practice as the clown is not able to swim properly. I hope there won't be anymore sales on this clown. I have seen this in parrot fish, luo han and discus and I find it absolutely disgusting... Some more the LFS/retailers even insist that the deformity is natural...

AT, please include this in your awareness program. :off:

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Dyed anemones are usually bleached anemones which are colourless and pale. They are injected or soaked with a food dye to give them an attractive colour.

Bleached anemones need feedings of meaty foods to survive as their symbiotic zooxanthellea are missing and thus they can't make energy from intense light. They will die if they can't catch any food.

When they die and rot... the dye will be released and you will find your skimmer cup containing bright colours.

RAV - maybe you can post a pix? If its not a dyed anemone, then it may be possible you have a 'rare' type of anemone and you can still do your sale!

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