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Singapore breeders make reefbuilder's frontpage


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  • Senior Reefer

I wrote this article yesterday on our local breeding talents here. Let us congratulate them on an effort well done.

This single achievement is the BEST thing singapore has to show for itself so far in all the years of reefing. Since reefbuilders is american based and the largest online reef blog, the story is now well integrated into the U.S aquaculture scene.


congrats and well done!

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  • Senior Reefer

:welldone: !!!

Let the US know that there is a "Little Red Dot" exist in this world..LOL!

singapore is already well known in the U.S, much more than it ever was years ago!

i've been writing for reefbuilders for about a year or so now and i can tell you, alot of U.S reefers know our country. surprising!

a few of my reefbuilders friends actually read our forum, but they do not post anything. so we are not just a little red dot anymore! we're just a red dot :P

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Thanks for the kind words. Also worth mentioning are the support from reefers like cool guy who passed us his pair of Amphiprion theillei for breeding (give me another 6 months if they don't start, I'll pass them back to you), marinebetta for his superb pair of onyx perculas, Lemon for his pair of P. nocturna, Wilson for his pair of Hybrid Clowns, and the occasional pairs of fish that somehow gets to us via Aquarium Iwarna. Also from the loyal customers who prefer to buy locally produced fish.

It's been a struggle but we are hanging on, we're not exactly there yet.

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

Yeah JK, hang in there, I'm sure we all can make it big =)

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • Senior Reefer

Big encouragements to you guys and everyone else doing small scale breeding here in singapore and elsewhere.

what stands out is the conservation attempt at hippocampus species. that's great and coincidentally, aquaculture and conservation tie together very well hand in hand.

even though all the species here being bred are not new and nothing to shout about, the impact these guys have on our local market is tremendous. Singapore is a small country and with our breeders breeding orchids, sunrise and other fish species, we have completely stopped importing wild caught counterparts for said species already. some of these fish are only obtainable through captive breeding by them. may not sound like much, but it's a mini version of the master plan. that is, to reduce strain on WC individuals by way of aquaculture. a small step!

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