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FW puffers in Marine Tank?

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Saw freshwater green spotted puffers in a fish shop in marine water (Plaza Singapura B1).

Initially i was skeptical but its been 3 weeks and the fish are still doing fine...

Any thoughts?

I like the green spotted and figure 8 but they are both supposed to be FW/brackish??

How would they fare in a true marine tank?

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  • SRC Member

hi bro, i am keeping green spotted puffer in brackish water (SG 1.010)

there should be no issue acclimating them to full marine, e.g. SG 1.001 per day over 1-2 weeks.

this is the same case as marine fish hypo-salinity treatment where we need to gradually increase the salinity to full marine.

Plaza Sg fish shop is selling fish at too high mark up. I also noticed they put this puffers few weeks ago when i passed by.

1 green spotted puffer only cost $1.5 to $2 in local fish store (seaview has the healthiest stocks compared to other shops).

Plaza Sg, if not wrong they are selling >$10

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  • SRC Member

No problem keeping this. I had one that lives for 2 years plus and eats a lot till it becomes very fat, before an accident that almost whip out my whole tank. Expensive 'cos i got it from PS.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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Do anyone know how come a marine fish tank ph go so high 8.5?how to reduce ph?I did bought some solution but nothing had change.anyone can help...thank u

8.5 is still ok, and PH will fluctuate throughout the day. Try to take the reading during the day when the light is on. To reduce your PH level, you can use c02 or simply do a water change.

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Update : ended buying one since its only $1.80 and gave it a try...

Been ok for past 3 days but got a problem now ... my Minata Grouper hates it and has tried to eat it a few times...hope of survives..

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  • SRC Member

Wah.. Green spotted puffer is already a fierce fish, but grouper is even more fierce and targeting the puffer.

Actually puffer has poison, so the grouper may die if it manage to eat the puffer.

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  • 3 months later...
  • SRC Member

Do anyone know how come a marine fish tank ph go so high 8.5?how to reduce ph?I did bought some solution but nothing had change.anyone can help...thank u

The brand of your Ph test set & expire date. some brands may not give a accurate reading as others
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