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Singapore Navy in the Gulf


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  • SRC Member

Anyone know where I can get more exciting pictures of our RSN than this.


Northern Arabian Sea (Jan. 13, 2004) -- Capt. Wan Mun Chin examines a patient suffering from a sore throat and high fever. Capt. Wan is assigned to the Republic of Singapore tank landing ship RSS Endurance (L 207). Endurance is participating in a 15-nation coalition exercise Sea Saber 2004. Endurance will participate as both a compliant and non-compliant vessel for boarding teams. Sea Saber will provide a multi-tiered training scenario in locating weapons of mass destruction aboard suspect ships operating in waters currently patrolled by coalition forces in support of Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. U.S. Navy photo by Journalist 1st Class Jeremy L. Wood. (RELEASED)


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  • SRC Member
what a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where? I don't get it.


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  • SRC Member
dont beleive what u listen to or read in the news !!!!!

Please tell me something I don't already know. So what is the joke?


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