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Extremely aggressive Leucosternon tang

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Hi to all.

I have a blue powder tang for about 2 years. It lives in a 500 liters mixed reef aquarium (140cm x 60cm x 60cm) along with other tangs (lineatus, zebrasoma flavescens, Ctenochaetus strigosus) and other smaller species. They were all getting along fine, lineatus is the last tang that entered the reef, it was 5 cm when leucosternon was twice his size. In the meantime, Lineatus grew fast, and now they are about the same size. Of course, they started to fight. Leucosternon is still the sherriff of the tank, and it's trying very hard to maintain his position. He is chaseing lineatus all day long, trying to keep him to get food. Now, this happened before, and i hope will pass. But i have a new problem: Since the blue tang got this aggressive, he started to eat corralls. Zoanthus especially, but he's also nipping alveopora and a green brain. He eats part of them, and throws in the tank some other. He destroyed almost 2 colonyes of my zoas. He is also taking a fight with the magnet window cleaner every time i clean the glass.

Do you know what i could do to stop him eating my corrals? Or at least, why is he behaving like that?


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  • SRC Member

All tangs behaviour are unpredictable...

My Yellow and Purple tangs are together for more than a year without problem and recently the yellow tang keep chasing my purple!

maybe you can shift your coral to some other places.

maybe you can shift rocks

maybe...sell away the fish...8-)

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Thanks for the answer. I have moved all that was not glued to the rockscape. He only eats corrals in a certain region of the tank. Unfortunately the zoas are glued to the rockscape and cannot be moved. The blue tang is one of my favorites, i don't want to sell it...

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