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WTS: Picasso Clown


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Niceee.... Up

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I think is a very good price. I saw some LFS or commercial farmer selling 1 x small picasso already for $250 (average price). Pair clown is usually quite X in USA esp ORA certified.

Thanks Bro for your supportive comment. Likely this pair have to stay in my tank for a while.

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  • 4 months later...
  • SRC Member


very nice pair of picasso and selling below market price for this grade.

would grab this pair if i didnt already have my current pair.

upz for your sale.

(click to see my tank thread)

Skimmer : Deltec SC2560

Chiller : Sanyo 1HP Compressor with copper coil

Lighting : Ecotech Radion XR30w x 3 + 5 ft ATI power module 4 tubes

Dosing - Bubble magnus 7 channel

Main pump - reef octopus 7000

FR : Skimz phosphate reactor + FR45 Biopellet reactor

Wavemaker - Vortech 3X MP40W + 1 x sun sun

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