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Noob Question For Water Change

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Hi I currently running a 5 footer arowana tank and 5 footer marine FOWLR. My question is I do weekly water change about 20-30% so in the case of saving my time for making up th purified water can I take the freshwater out from the tank and mix with new salt and add into the marine tank ? Sound abit stupid but this is my concern because I had to keep change the resin for ro water everytime after I do the water change weekly. The cost of resin cost me 50 buck per 2 month and my water bills increase 50 buck also so average it will cost me 75 buck a month abit costly.

My 1st Tank (FOWLR)

4.5ft x 2.5ftx 3ft 15mm with Cabinet & Tank

2x Two Little Fishie 150 Reactor (Rowaphos & Rowacarbon)

1x Two Little Fishie 300 Reactor (Biopellet)

Reef Octupos SRO-3000INT Skimmer

Teco Chiller TR20 1/3hp with UV

Vortech MP40ES Wavemotion

JBJ auto top-up

Eheim 1264 Return Pump

9 Stage Ro Water

Neptunes Sys Aqua Controller (PH, ORP, Temp,Conductivity,Salinity and Email Alert)

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For Arowana tank do not need to use DI water just tap water with anti chlorine is good enough. Easier.

5x2.5x1.5ft Rimless Dream Tank (06/03/12)
Skimmer - Reefoctupus

Return Pump - 1 x Eheim 1264, 1 x water blaster 7k
Wavemaker - 2 x mp40es
Chiller - Daikin compressor with coil drop in
Lighting - 4 x 80w T5 Pair 1(6hrs23/12/12),Pair 2(16/06/12312hrs 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (1/3/12) -(15/11/12)6hrs and 2 x 80w De-lighting Retrofit (13/10/12) -6hrs)
Reactor - Dosing pump (01/01/11)

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The answer is NO :evil: !

Use only new freshed DI/RO water mixed with marine salt if you seriously want to go into marine reefing :P .


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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You mean using water from your arowana tank for salt mix? If yes, don't you think it's very odd? You'll still need to top up the water back to your aro tank right?

Yea still need but in total I only need to top up water for this arowana tank to cut the bill to half.

For Arowana tank do not need to use DI water just tap water with anti chlorine is good enough. Easier.

I know but I try to keep the water PH in the 6-7 best for arowana and the optimun level cos these fish not cheap and sometime the HDB tap water PH can be reach 8+

if long term I afraid they will make my fish sick in PH shock...

I got one arowana died because of this problem.

The answer is NO :evil: !

Use only new freshed DI/RO water mixed with marine salt if you seriously want to go into marine reefing :P .

Nope its just FOWLR so entire result I was introduce nitrate to the saltwater but not other chemical. for this how is it ideas ? And yea somemore my arowana nitrate was always the highest in 0.25ppm...

My 1st Tank (FOWLR)

4.5ft x 2.5ftx 3ft 15mm with Cabinet & Tank

2x Two Little Fishie 150 Reactor (Rowaphos & Rowacarbon)

1x Two Little Fishie 300 Reactor (Biopellet)

Reef Octupos SRO-3000INT Skimmer

Teco Chiller TR20 1/3hp with UV

Vortech MP40ES Wavemotion

JBJ auto top-up

Eheim 1264 Return Pump

9 Stage Ro Water

Neptunes Sys Aqua Controller (PH, ORP, Temp,Conductivity,Salinity and Email Alert)

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I jus wan to save the water bills lol

My 1st Tank (FOWLR)

4.5ft x 2.5ftx 3ft 15mm with Cabinet & Tank

2x Two Little Fishie 150 Reactor (Rowaphos & Rowacarbon)

1x Two Little Fishie 300 Reactor (Biopellet)

Reef Octupos SRO-3000INT Skimmer

Teco Chiller TR20 1/3hp with UV

Vortech MP40ES Wavemotion

JBJ auto top-up

Eheim 1264 Return Pump

9 Stage Ro Water

Neptunes Sys Aqua Controller (PH, ORP, Temp,Conductivity,Salinity and Email Alert)

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The main concern I think you should consider would be:

1) whether the water in the Arowana tank is good and stable enough for your FOWLR tank particularly the soft water KH in which you might need to adjust when mixing with salf.

2) the spreading of diseases from your Arowana tank (assuming your Arowana is sick) to your marine fishes. :excl: :excl:

I am not a hardcore reefer myself although I keep SPS/LPS and many fishes (marines and fresh water discus)...

For marine tank, I use NSW to save the trouble and keeping my maintenance cost down. Sometime out of the blue I do DI with salt-mixed and if lazyness strike me.. I just use tap water with anti chlorine... :big_boss: ..

For FOWLR tank, I think you can opt for the following:

1) reduce your water change to bi-monthly and do 10-15% water change - if you decided to use the Arowana tank water (the impact might be lesser and you save half effort and $$$)

2) do without DI water but use tap water with anti chlorine (left it over-night after salf mixed) - actually the main cost is the replacement DI of resin NOT the water bills!!

3) buy NSW from the nearest LFS and change water every 2 weeks - minimise trips to LFS and time/efforts to change water...

Last but not least...make sure you have a good skimmer.... :thumbsup:


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For a FOWLR tank, a good skimmer will help you reduce water change. A good investment for the long run.

When you mention an increase in $50 to your water bill, that must be ALOT of water !!! The current tariff is $1.4/m3 (that's 1000l of water), excluding conservation tax How much do you use ?

As mentioned by others, 10-15% WC would be good enough, DI is optional and can make do with tap water with conditioner. Only problem you might face is phosphate/silicate causing diatoms, low light can help since it's just FOWLR.

FOWLR Tank : 48"x24"x30"

Sump: 36"x18"x20"

Return Pump : Rio 32HF

Skimmer: Reef Octopus DNW-110

Lighting: 150W MH

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