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My journey to first Marine Tank


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the diatom bloom will die down soon if your bacteria can cope with the amount of no3 etc.

just go slow with the livestock.

its always exciting to stock the tank.

i still have that kinda syndrome after years of reefing. LOL!

nice tank good start. :)

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  • SRC Member
the diatom bloom will die down soon if your bacteria can cope with the amount of no3 etc.

just go slow with the livestock.

its always exciting to stock the tank.

i still have that kinda syndrome after years of reefing. LOL!

nice tank good start.

Thanks...YES can't stop the itchy of looking at LS.....LOL

5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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Ha ha, it's the kind of feeling that got us all addicted to reefing. Good luck with your stocking.

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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Bro may i know where you bought your small piece white anemone?

Hi Bro,

I actually traded a fish for this white anemone...so far I been to few LFS but didnt see this anemone....some of the seniors' here may know though....maybe gonna wait for next shipment

5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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This morning I saw a left over of my "Boxer Shrimp" on the wavemaker......I thought siao liao...my only shrimp die liao......lol

Turned out......he is alive and kicking...suspect that he shredded his shell during the night.....haha

5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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Day 9 - just did a check on the parameters....Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrate 10ppm (mg/l).....does that means that Cycling completed??

Your NO3 is very high.

Run biopellet and bring it close to zero before algae bloom

6.5 * 2 * 2 + 3.75 * 1.5 *1.5,(Decomn on 14/9/08)
4*2*2 + 2.5*1.25*1.25 (Decomn on 1/8/09)
5*2*2 (Fully LED light system, 140 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)
2.5*2*2(Fully LED Light System,96 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)

5*2.5*2(LED only)

Eheim return 1 * pump

1 HP Daikin compressor with cooling coil
2 Jebao OW40, 1 ecotech MP40,
1X6085 Tunze wm,

1 CURVE 7 Skimmer

  1 DIY 80 led control by Bluefish mini 

1 radion XR30W G2, 2 Radion XR15G3

Sump area lite by 5 ft T5 , 6 * SSC 3 watt red LED for refugium

1 Full spectrum E27 led light

1 CR control by bubble count

Start No Water Change since 1st Dec 2016

Add new 2.5x2x 1.5 ft 



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  • SRC Member

Your NO3 is very high.

Run biopellet and bring it close to zero before algae bloom

Thanks Bro Sherman....yes high initially...now down...have hair algae problem....used PH reactor, scrub, Tang to deal with them.....

Now got problem....cannot find Algae for my Tang to eat....LOL

5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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Ok Ok....see from a lot of forum that that is the normal process to have bac boom...im doing a 10-20% water change to bring down the NO3...

Thanks Bro. Appreciate you sharing your setup too....in fact there are so many variations of setup out there...i have been to one of the reefer house...he totally never use any skimmer and just depend on the bio filtration system that he design thru trial n error.....so appreciate your sharing....one thing that I have learnt from this forum is that "All reefers are so willing to share their knowledge with newbie like me" Kudos....

It's great to see you learning well in this forum.

Something to add on about the bio filtration bed system through the use of LR or biological rings, you do have to take note that insufficient flow through the rocks/bio-rings can create bed of detrius which becomes potential storage tanks for nitrates and phosphates. And this method has been proven to hide a neck after a certain number of years (that is if you are going that long in this hobby) So for bro daryl to initiate this method, you got to keep note that his sump has only one life rock such that the flow around the rock is sufficient to prevent detrius build-up.

So if you wish to fully utilise the effects of bio filtration ie. going skimmerless, you can do so provided you have the space and means to do it. Naturally that will be ideal since that will provide sufficient bed to grow denitrifying bacteria. but if you can't, best way will be invest in a good skimmer, go slow, KISS method and periodic water changes.

Below are some links you can look for reference into biological filtration:

http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1838193 (latest TOTM winner in RC)

http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1744289&highlight=brazil (personal love for Really DEEP SB technique)

http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1885414&highlight=t5 -> look for sanahabit. His husbandry shows how you can utilise a skimmer (not top end) with an algae scrubber and achieve phenomenal results

http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1767159&page=51 (one of my personal love for KISS sump and of course, comes with a top end skimmer)

Last but not least,

http://www.reef2reef.com/forums/pro-corals/49163-sonnys-rimless-shallow-reef-2-0-a-65.html (personal best for KISS technique)

Basically, based on what you need, you find a method that suit you best. But do weigh in which gives you more time to enjoy the hobby and less hassle on the long run. We are masters of our tanks; never their slaves. so well, somethings to ponder about.

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Happy Reefing,

Marc J.

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  • SRC Member

It's great to see you learning well in this forum.

Something to add on about the bio filtration bed system through the use of LR or biological rings, you do have to take note that insufficient flow through the rocks/bio-rings can create bed of detrius which becomes potential storage tanks for nitrates and phosphates. And this method has been proven to hide a neck after a certain number of years (that is if you are going that long in this hobby) So for bro daryl to initiate this method, you got to keep note that his sump has only one life rock such that the flow around the rock is sufficient to prevent detrius build-up.

So if you wish to fully utilise the effects of bio filtration ie. going skimmerless, you can do so provided you have the space and means to do it. Naturally that will be ideal since that will provide sufficient bed to grow denitrifying bacteria. but if you can't, best way will be invest in a good skimmer, go slow, KISS method and periodic water changes.

Below are some links you can look for reference into biological filtration:

http://www.reefcentr...d.php?t=1838193 (latest TOTM winner in RC)

http://www.reefcentr...ighlight=brazil (personal love for Really DEEP SB technique)

http://www.reefcentr...14&highlight=t5 -> look for sanahabit. His husbandry shows how you can utilise a skimmer (not top end) with an algae scrubber and achieve phenomenal results

http://www.reefcentr...1767159&page=51 (one of my personal love for KISS sump and of course, comes with a top end skimmer)

Last but not least,

http://www.reef2reef...f-2-0-a-65.html (personal best for KISS technique)

Basically, based on what you need, you find a method that suit you best. But do weigh in which gives you more time to enjoy the hobby and less hassle on the long run. We are masters of our tanks; never their slaves. so well, somethings to ponder about.

Thanks for your advice....

5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

It has been some time since I update my Tank....I started traveling and want to have a peace of mind....I setup a ip camera where I can view my tank anytime I want....and yipeee...i made it

See the snapshot below.


5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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It has been some time since I update my Tank....I started traveling and want to have a peace of mind....I setup a ip camera where I can view my tank anytime I want....and yipeee...i made it

See the snapshot below.



Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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Upgrading my tank...

1. Change the frame for hanging 2 Radion


2. Use the T5 Hanging kit that I bought from US Ebay to hang these Radion....works pretty well


5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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Yesterday I also bought a flat piece of Live Rock from Irwana....Zoas Garden....made another 3 pieces of smaller rock for the bases...at least got more hiding places for small fishes.


5x1.5x2ft Tank

5x2.5x2 Full Height Tank

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