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My new office small small tank


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  • SRC Member
They r a timid bunch & r easily frightened.

Regarding the gobies, I got them from CF think might still have...

So far 1 shrimp goby commuted suicide rest ok... Flame goby is first fish all still ok... Had an accident awhile back when fighting with 1 clown and jump out of tank in middle of the "battle"... Spent close to 15mins digging it out from btw the tables...

Though it was a goner but somehow he survived... :thumbsup:

:: just a noob ::

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Ok, that's a close encounter... :cheers:

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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  • SRC Member

Nice photography.

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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  • SRC Member

hmm... have been looking at my tank and dun really like the rockwork (cos i am obviously not very good at it) and contemplating on rescaping.... do you think its wise to do so at this stage?

My thoughts, buy liverock, scape and cycle seperately before replacing current scape...

any suggestions would be welcome :thanks:

:: just a noob ::

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very neat! nice frags btw

~ 24 June 2012 ~

Main Tank Display- 4ft (L) x 2ft (W) x 2.5ft (H) 3side view

Return Pump- 2x Eheim 1262

Wavemaker- Conch II + Tunze

Skimmer- Hydor Performer 700DP

Lighting- Sun System Tek-Light T5 8 x ATI 54W

Chiller- Hailea 1/4hp

Reactor- Skimz FR Rowaphos

Dosing Pump- Bubble Magus BM-T01


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

my butt was a bit itchy and i went ahead to install a mp10 into my small small tank... :P

which mode should i set it too and at what strength? any suggestions?

I have mine at 50% short pulse alot of water splashed around the place... hahaha... switch it to reefcrest at smallest power for now...

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member
If you find it over powered, you can sell it to me.

You will be on my mind bro.. Hahaha... Minimum setting I think still workable just need to tune it around abit... Stil looking for the best settings for it :)

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member

I've been feeling very itchy to start a marine pico tank for my office. Ideally is to have 1-2 clown fish and maybe 1 firefish. Currently using a Dymax IQ5 for a freshwater setup - that's too small right?

If I upgrade to the OF 1ft cube you're using, would it be fine for me not to use a HOF? (Office not too much space and rather not have too much splashing). Is the stock pump easy to self-change to a tunze universal mini? If so, I can switch stock pump to a tunze mini and install another tunze mini at the side for more flow (or will a single tunze mini be enough?).

Plan is probably for FOWLR, at most a few very very simple corals (any recommendation would be appreciated). Stock lighting enough? How about 2x Dymax NX5?

Would installing a Dymax IQ Skimmer help in reducing required water change? I intend to do 10% per week even with the skimmer installed. For filtration, I was thinking of leaving it to the live rock + zeolite/phosban.

This will be my first marine setup, but I've been doing months of reading up.

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  • SRC Member

I've been feeling very itchy to start a marine pico tank for my office. Ideally is to have 1-2 clown fish and maybe 1 firefish. Currently using a Dymax IQ5 for a freshwater setup - that's too small right?

If I upgrade to the OF 1ft cube you're using, would it be fine for me not to use a HOF? (Office not too much space and rather not have too much splashing). Is the stock pump easy to self-change to a tunze universal mini? If so, I can switch stock pump to a tunze mini and install another tunze mini at the side for more flow (or will a single tunze mini be enough?).

Plan is probably for FOWLR, at most a few very very simple corals (any recommendation would be appreciated). Stock lighting enough? How about 2x Dymax NX5?

Would installing a Dymax IQ Skimmer help in reducing required water change? I intend to do 10% per week even with the skimmer installed. For filtration, I was thinking of leaving it to the live rock + zeolite/phosban.

This will be my first marine setup, but I've been doing months of reading up.

Dont we all have such days when hands are so itchy we need to find something to cure that itch! hahaha... i think if you are keeping fishes the Dymax IQ5 should suffice. do however note that we shouldnt stock the tank up with too much. i seen somewhere here that some one has a nice pico done in the IQ5, cant remember by whom though.

I added a HOF initially to allow for more water movement as the stock pump in the IOS doesnt produce enough (also to have more space for export medias). Honestly my water level is only about 2cm off the top and so far the only splashing (minimal though) i get is when the water levels falls below the outlet of the IOS. Of course i do not let that happen nowadays. The stock pump is easy to replace and I too have since replaced it with an Eheim... unfortunately i cannot remember the model off hand but it is a good size one. Yes, you would probably need something inside to generate bottom and mid level water motions. Im not familiar with the tunze mini but i guess as long as it doesnt create a whirlpool in your tank it should be good! :cheers:

If only fish i believe the stock lighting is enough. But if you are intending to keep corals, you might want to upgrade your lighting. No comments about the Dymax NX5 but i guess with a little $ top up, i would go straight for the PAR38 or similar fixtures. Love the lights so far. I know too little about corals to recommend bro... paiseh

I guess an extra skimmer would do more good then harm but honestly if you are using either the OF or IQ5, water change should suffice. I do about 30% every week and even in the OF, thats only about ~10liters and a 5 minute job. Every once in a while i use a small hose to suck out detritus from the bottom thats about it. Media sounds like an appropriate choice i have biohome, ultralith, phosban and activate carbon. I think you might need some bacteria dosing for the ultralith.

Good luck with your cure to the itchy hands! i'm sure you will enjoy it. The community here is :thumbsup:

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member
is it harder to stablise a nano tank compared to a tank of 3 to 4 feet? i.e. more water change etc. nicely done your tank

hmm... tough question...... i guess the answer would be yes. Mainly due to the size of the tank, you have little room for errors.

however the biggest problem i have is space. Need more space to put corals! :P I can live with the water changes. :thumbsup: which essentially is also once a week and of really small volume.

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member

Thanks bro! So in summary, my current IQ5 will be sufficient for a pair of clownfish if I do 20-30% weekly water change and switch the pump? Or should I still upgrade to the OF tank?

I don't foresee myself wanting corals except maybe zoas, so I doubt I'll upgrade the light.

Dont we all have such days when hands are so itchy we need to find something to cure that itch! hahaha... i think if you are keeping fishes the Dymax IQ5 should suffice. do however note that we shouldnt stock the tank up with too much. i seen somewhere here that some one has a nice pico done in the IQ5, cant remember by whom though.

I added a HOF initially to allow for more water movement as the stock pump in the IOS doesnt produce enough (also to have more space for export medias). Honestly my water level is only about 2cm off the top and so far the only splashing (minimal though) i get is when the water levels falls below the outlet of the IOS. Of course i do not let that happen nowadays. The stock pump is easy to replace and I too have since replaced it with an Eheim... unfortunately i cannot remember the model off hand but it is a good size one. Yes, you would probably need something inside to generate bottom and mid level water motions. Im not familiar with the tunze mini but i guess as long as it doesnt create a whirlpool in your tank it should be good! :cheers:

If only fish i believe the stock lighting is enough. But if you are intending to keep corals, you might want to upgrade your lighting. No comments about the Dymax NX5 but i guess with a little $ top up, i would go straight for the PAR38 or similar fixtures. Love the lights so far. I know too little about corals to recommend bro... paiseh

I guess an extra skimmer would do more good then harm but honestly if you are using either the OF or IQ5, water change should suffice. I do about 30% every week and even in the OF, thats only about ~10liters and a 5 minute job. Every once in a while i use a small hose to suck out detritus from the bottom thats about it. Media sounds like an appropriate choice i have biohome, ultralith, phosban and activate carbon. I think you might need some bacteria dosing for the ultralith.

Good luck with your cure to the itchy hands! i'm sure you will enjoy it. The community here is :thumbsup:

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  • SRC Member

Bro, I believe it is possible and you can try with the IQ5... Few thoughts off the head, try finding locally bred clowns instead, i think they have less dependency on hosting anemones, etc. if only fish, dun have to change the stock pump. Again, Whether the iq5 or OF or similar size tanks, you will have to make efforts to keep condition as close to pristine as possible...

Zoas if I'm not wrong depend primarily on light so u may have to upgrade the stock lights...

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member

Thanks bro! I will try with the iq5 then. No harm upgrading the pump in case I decide I want to go with corals. After all, if I'm going to upgrade the lights I may as well add in a few more simple corals :thumbsup:

Will definitely go for local bred clowns, that's my intention all along...can you recommend a source?

By the way, for substrate, is it essential to use coral sand? I prefer black sand

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  • SRC Member

yup just as long as you find a pump that fits into the slot, you should!

Iwarna is a good source, two aquaculturist there :)

hmm... i dun really like substrate but I'm sure there are black ones around. Other experts here can give better advice on that though :cheers:

:: just a noob ::

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  • SRC Member

Thanks! I'll drop by madpetz. Reefdepot is also nearby there isn't it? I recall seeing it when driving out of sin ming towards thompson road.

What cleanup crew should I be looking at aside from 2x clownfish?

Decommissioning the freshwater IQ5 today!

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  • SRC Member

Thanks! I'll drop by madpetz. Reefdepot is also nearby there isn't it? I recall seeing it when driving out of sin ming towards thompson road.

What cleanup crew should I be looking at aside from 2x clownfish?

Decommissioning the freshwater IQ5 today!

reef depot at sin ming close down already. you can try their warehouse at AMK :cheers:


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