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sps tank

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To solve your KH or CA/MG problem you can refer to the following link to identify your problem zone and adjust accordingly...


To obtain the correct dosage to bring your water chemistry (be it CA, Mg or KH), use the following Reef Chemistry Calculator to get the right amount...for different products...


In your case of Seachem product ... there are two types of product pertaining to KH to solve your low KH problem... 1) Reef builder and 2) Reef buffer..

How to use??

My suggestion for you to bring up the KH....

1) use Reef Builder with the calculated dosage to bring up the KH slowly (probably 3-4 days) to the desired value.. :thumbsup:

2) once the desired KH value has been obtained use the Reef Buffer (with dosage calculated from the chemistry caculator) to maintain your KH and keep your PH in check... :score:

3) monitor your water parameters closely and dose Reef buffer if needed until you got the stable KH... :cheers:

Then consider buying a CR or dosing pump.... :big_boss:

Hope this will help you... :friends:


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Wow..ok, bro will get a reef buffer as currently i've the reef builder already and thank for your advise !!

Bro is that your tank is amazing....how do you maintain your tank bro?

My eye is poping out... :cheers::groupwavereversed::thumbsup:

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Wow..ok, bro will get a reef buffer as currently i've the reef builder already and thank for your advise !!

Bro is that your tank is amazing....how do you maintain your tank bro?

My eye is poping out... :cheers::groupwavereversed::thumbsup:

You can check out my tank thread from the following links:


Good luck to your new found hobby... :drunk:


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Hi bro,can make a visit of the show tank ....hehe!

Cant wait to see your 6footer...if can bro let me know as im new bird here !!

need to learn more from you ....

Sure...just PM me your contact and your intended visit time... :thumbsup:

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