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Evaporation Top-offs

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bro, if you are keeping fish only tank and hardy fish (damsel, clown), i think tab water (dechlorined) is fine (in Singapore context). I have tried this and so far so good.

Newbie here too, riding on this thread and my first post too! So does it mean you mix tap water with one of those Anti Chlorine, Anti Chloramine and Anti Ammonia treatment solutions is good enough to be used for top up? How about for water changes?

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There was a thread on our sg tap water before, there are phosphates and heavy metals present, apart from chlorine. In which we all try to remove as much as possible in a reef tank. Phosphates trigger algae growth. And chlorine is pretty much poisonous to anything in the water. Yes tap water is free, but at the expense of your livestock's well being. Kudos!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Dechlorinator should easily fix that

Yes... likewise with nitrate or phosphates has their own methods. But if the question asking whats wrong or potential fish killer using tapwater.. then I will suggested Chlorine. Cheers..


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • SRC Member

Yes... likewise with nitrate or phosphates has their own methods. But if the question asking whats wrong or potential fish killer using tapwater.. then I will suggested Chlorine. Cheers..

Other than that, tapwater for top up is fine? Would tapwater top up add that much nitrate and phosphate into a system?

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Other than that, tapwater for top up is fine? Would tapwater top up add that much nitrate and phosphate into a system?

Base on WHO, Nitrate can be 50 but generally <20 & PO4 No requirement but generally <0.10. Cheers..


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Cheers and Happy Reefing....

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

i used tap water , drip from a bott with a pin puncture at the bottom of the bott (diy), with no problem to fish n corals. But all my stuff r hardy. If u keep sensitive stuff then u gotta consider using filtered, RO or distilled or Newater :)

I add cal, sodium bi, n magnesium together in the top up


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