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Decomm sales LS


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have to decomm my tank.will sell other equipment only after all LS gone

all taken under white light.

multi colour prata(GO) 5inch fully open $100

lumi yellow brain (GO) $30

green coral duno name got from henry marin $20

red acan(GO) $30 reserved

clams 3inch (CF) the one on the right look green when view from top $30eac $50both

aussie red blasto with green mouth(reborn) $30

damage lobo, free with any purchase, fcfs reserved

crystal pro with TDS meter, media need change. $60

22inch tall FR (missing 1 plastic screw. $30

BM skimmer 22inch tall for my 3feet tank $100

Hailea HC-150A 1/10hp chiller up to 2 feet, used for freshwater last time, kept as spare $100









sms me 97317086


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have to decomm my tank.will sell other equipment only after all LS gone

all taken under white light.

multi colour prata(GO) 5inch fully open $100

lumi yellow brain (GO) $30

green coral duno name got from henry marin $20

red acan(GO) $30 reserved

clams 3inch (CF) the one on the right look green when view from top $30eac $50both

aussie red blasto with green mouth(reborn) $30

damage lobo, free with any purchase, fcfs reserved

crystal pro with TDS meter, media need change. $60 reserved

22inch tall FR (missing 1 plastic screw. $30

BM skimmer 22inch tall for my 3feet tank $100

Hailea HC-150A 1/10hp chiller up to 2 feet, used for freshwater last time, kept as spare $100 reserved

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salifert test kit No3(80%) 2013, Ca(80%)2016 , Mg(50%) 2012sep, KH(50%)2016 take all $20

food grade, bought during bulk order

~9KG calcium chloride

~9KG magnesium chloride

~9KG Sodium Bicarbonate

lifetime supply for 3ft tank.

take note magnesium chloride is damp

take all $20

very heavy hoh


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have to decomm my tank.will sell other equipment only after all LS gone

all taken under white light.

multi colour prata(GO) 5inch fully open $100 reserved

lumi yellow brain (GO) $30

green coral duno name got from henry marin $20

red acan(GO) $30 reserved

clams 3inch (CF) the one on the right look green when view from top $30eac $50both

aussie red blasto with green mouth(reborn) $30

damage lobo, free with any purchase, fcfs reserved

crystal pro with TDS meter, media need change. $60 reserved

22inch tall FR (missing 1 plastic screw. $30

BM skimmer 22inch tall for my 3feet tank $100

Hailea HC-150A 1/10hp chiller up to 2 feet, used for freshwater last time, kept as spare $100 reserved

salifert test kit No3(80%) 2013, Ca(80%)2016 , Mg(50%) 2012sep, KH(50%)2016 take all $20

food grade, bought during bulk order http://www.sgreefclu...l2-cacl-nahco3/

~9KG calcium chloride

~9KG magnesium chloride

~9KG Sodium Bicarbonate

lifetime supply for 3ft tank.

take note magnesium chloride is damp

take all $20

very heavy hoh

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have to decomm my tank.will sell other equipment only after all LS gone

all taken under white light.

multi colour prata(GO) 5inch fully open $100

lumi yellow brain (GO) $30 reserved

green coral duno name got from henry marin $20

red acan(GO) $30 reserved

clams 3inch (CF) the one on the right look green when view from top $25eac $40both

aussie red blasto with green mouth(reborn) $20

damage lobo, free with any purchase, fcfs reserved

crystal pro with TDS meter, media need change. $60 reserved

22inch tall FR (missing 1 plastic screw. $30

BM skimmer 22inch tall for my 3feet tank $100

Hailea HC-150A 1/10hp chiller up to 2 feet, used for freshwater last time, kept as spare $100 reserved

salifert test kit No3(80%) 2013, Ca(80%)2016 , Mg(50%) 2012sep, KH(50%)2016 take all $20

food grade, bought during bulk order http://www.sgreefclu...l2-cacl-nahco3/

~9KG calcium chloride

~9KG magnesium chloride

~9KG Sodium Bicarbonate

lifetime supply for 3ft tank.

take note magnesium chloride is damp

take all $20

very heavy hoh reserved

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have to decomm my tank.will sell other equipment only after all LS gone

all taken under white light.

multi colour prata(GO) 5inch fully open $100

lumi yellow brain (GO) $30 reserved

green coral duno name got from henry marin $20

red acan(GO) $30 reserved

clams 3inch (CF) the one on the right look green when view from top $25eac $40both

aussie red blasto with green mouth(reborn) $20

damage lobo, free with any purchase, fcfs reserved

crystal pro with TDS meter, media need change. $60 reserved

22inch tall FR (missing 1 plastic screw. $30

BM skimmer 22inch tall for my 3feet tank $100

Hailea HC-150A 1/10hp chiller up to 2 feet, used for freshwater last time, kept as spare $100 reserved

salifert test kit No3(80%) 2013, Ca(80%)2016 , Mg(50%) 2012sep, KH(50%)2016 take all $20 reserved

food grade, bought during bulk order http://www.sgreefclu...l2-cacl-nahco3/

~9KG calcium chloride

~9KG magnesium chloride

~9KG Sodium Bicarbonate

lifetime supply for 3ft tank.

take note magnesium chloride is damp

take all $20

very heavy hoh reserved

2L Co2 tank with electrical solenoid, no rust $50



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have to decomm my tank.will sell other equipment only after all LS gone

all taken under white light.

multi colour prata(GO) 5inch fully open $100

lumi yellow brain (GO) $30 reserved

red acan(GO) $30 reserved

clams 3inch (CF) the one on the right look green when view from top $25eac $40both

aussie red blasto with green mouth(reborn)

green coral duno name got from henry marin both pcs for $20

damage lobo, free with any purchase, fcfs reserved

crystal pro with TDS meter, media need change. $60 reserved

22inch tall FR (missing 1 plastic screw. $30

BM skimmer 22inch tall for my 3feet tank $100

Hailea HC-150A 1/10hp chiller up to 2 feet, used for freshwater last time, kept as spare $100 reserved

refractometer,salifert test kit No3(80%) 2013, Ca(80%)2016 , Mg(50%) 2012sep, KH(50%)2016 take all $20 reserved

food grade, bought during bulk order http://www.sgreefclu...l2-cacl-nahco3/

~9KG calcium chloride

~9KG magnesium chloride

~9KG Sodium Bicarbonate

lifetime supply for 3ft tank.

take note magnesium chloride is damp

take all $20

very heavy hoh reserved

2L Co2 tank with electrical solenoid, no rust $50

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multi colour prata(GO) 5inch fully open $100

4inch yellow Tang(need time for me to net it) $40

free a pair of normal clownfish,

clams 3inch (CF) the one on the right look green when view from top $25eac $40both reserved

aussie red blasto with green mouth(reborn)

green coral duno name got from henry marin both pcs for $20 reserved

22inch tall FR (missing 1 plastic screw. $30

BM skimmer 22inch tall for my 3feet tank $100

refractometer,salifert test kit No3(80%) 2013, Ca(80%)2016 , Mg(50%) 2012sep, KH(50%)2016 take all $20 reserved

2L Co2 tank with electrical solenoid, no rust $50

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4inch yellow Tang(just net it) $40

free a pair of normal clownfish,sandshifter,1poly bam bam zoa, and a few normal zoas.zoas are stuck to LR. 1 bottle zeovit AAHC 100ml 90%

must take all

livestock priority goes to those that can collect the earliest(must bring own bags,container.)

22inch tall FR (missing 1 plastic screw. $30

2L Co2 tank with electrical solenoid, no rust $50

sms me 97317086

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  • SRC Member

any bro out there willing to take in the clown n sand shifter?as i've talked to bro jerome9731 , i'm willing to take everything except the clown n sand shifter as i've got a FIERCE MARON n frags all over the sand.... so any kind bro in nid to stock up pls let us noe,so it's totally FOC!!!! :chair:

But pls make sure u've got a proper home to host them instead of getting it because of FOC,

many thx for viewing

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