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Nassurius snails committing suicide

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  • SRC Member

Hi bro,

I put 20 plus nass snails into my tank last Sat morning, in the evening I discovered a handful actually crawled out of tank and landed on the floor. Discovered they were still alive, I put them back into the tank. Last few days i still have 1 or 2 snails crawling up the tank glass to try to get out. Is this common? :thanks:

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  • SRC Member
Hi bro,

I put 20 plus nass snails into my tank last Sat morning, in the evening I discovered a handful actually crawled out of tank and landed on the floor. Discovered they were still alive, I put them back into the tank. Last few days i still have 1 or 2 snails crawling up the tank glass to try to get out. Is this common? :thanks:

Mine too. Climb out of my tank and onto the floor.

Anyone else have this problem?

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  • SRC Member

maybe the saw that the grass or water is greener at the other side.. heheh.. first time I hear snails crawl out of water.. maybe just above the top water level but never all the way out..

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Ok... Then I dun really know the problem.. Maybe a little overcrowded or something...

Cause the only time I saw my snails crawl out is a few years back when my tank crashed and the nitrates soared thru the roof...

Or your snails are just keen explorers.. Hahaha...

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  • SRC Member

hope they are just exploring as my other inverts and fishes doing find.

but i need to keep them in the tank to be my cleaning agent for left over food.

temp using food wrap covering the sides n cover of my tank to prevent them from running out

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  • SRC Member

Is your water level very near the top edge of tank ? Snail do crawl just above the water level but they will not wander far from it as it may dry up.

Maybe your snails are trying to see what is over the edge of the tank since water level so near the brim and 'accidentally' fell over, as some of us humans do. :lol:

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  • SRC Member

How hot is your tank water?

They cannot tolerate high temperature and it seems they like to escape by climbing out.


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  • SRC Member
I think you throw the snails straight into the tank without adjusting them slowly to yr S.G. Thats why its climbing out.

Hi Guys, these snails are very sensitive to high S.G. No matter what Snails you have, you will have to take time to introduce into your tank if your S.G is very high. Most Snails come from water where there are algae and S.G ranges from 1.019 to 1.022. Extremely high PH & Temp can also be a concern. Plse take time to acclimatise if either our S.G or PH is on the high side. Snails can tolerate high Nitrate & DOC.

:thanks: Max

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My tank water stay at 25 degs to 26.5 degs and still I see them climb above the water surface. Maybe the Euro bracing stopped them from getting out of the tank.

My NO3 near but more than 2.5ppm and PO4 near but more than 0.25ppm.

I also found something like Aiptasia like stuffs attached to some of the snails.

They moved actually and later some attached to my LR. Got a long based with tentacles as well just like a Aiptasia but the color is light green with light grey strips.

I nuked them with concentrated kalk and they didn't melt away but just close up. Probably will try again.


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