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Sps showing white thin strands

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Hey reefers, what's your take on sps showing white thin strands whenever I do glass cleaning exercise?

Only my pink lemonade shows this, could it be stress?

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Hey reefers, what's your take on sps showing white thin strands whenever I do glass cleaning exercise?

Only my pink lemonade shows this, could it be stress?

Maybe digestive strands known as acontia filaments?

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Hey Joe! How you doin?

But why do they show such response?

Not too sure here but from what I have gathered, it's suppose to be a aggressive response. Some reefers suggest it as a feeding response.

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Not too sure here but from what I have gathered, it's suppose to be a aggressive response. Some reefers suggest it as a feeding response.

I have the same thing when even I feed SPS with 5-in-1 coral food or doing water change or cleaning my sand bed... I think it has to do with change in nutrient level that induces SPS to feed... :rolleyes:


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Most of my sps's show this response all the time.... obviously this always happens during water changes or during feeding, but people suggest it can be a good or a bad thing. Im really intrested to hear what others think of this...

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  • 5 months later...

Maybe digestive strands known as acontia filaments?

Yup, you're right. They do send out digestive strands called acontia that are used to digest food when triggered such as glass cleaning. Beware that they do digest neighbouring corals as a result of this frenzy reactions :cry2:

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Mine seem to be doing the same thing. Seems like only 2 specific acro and stag horn are doing it. The rest such as milli and montis are not releasing this thin slim like strands.

Pls advise.

:dunno: Strange, my millepora does exhibit this kind of behaviour..

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