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Hi, I am going to get a 4x2x2 tank in a few weeks time, currently I have a maxspect G2 110W for my 2ft, Should I get one more maxspect togther with my old maxspect for my 4ft tank?

So which is better I do a few search and there are different view on lighting

Some say LED last longer , cooler but cannot be sufficient for SPS

Some say Mh is better for SPS

I am not going for SPS at the moment but maybe someday.

I will prefer for LED as it is cooler and make the chiller work lesser, my budget is $1300.

But for my two year using LED maxsepct, it have blown 2 time and they have replace for me, 2ndly I also realise more green algae on glass or is it the water quality?

Any way hope bros here can help me in deciding which one should I go as I do not wish to upgrade lighting again and again


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  • SRC Member

Led - blow up..

Mh light will fail too...

Led intensity can be adjusted/

Mh light -- no

Led- high cost set

Mh light- low cost set

Led- energy saving vs mh light

Mh light- Sps grow

Led- Sps will thrive too/ check reef central

Led light promote algae?

Not true. Algae growth depend on

a lot of factors not based on light alone .

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I personally used both of them. First I started with maxspect g1 there is no problem to keep sps and lps (lps at sand bed) sps can growth lps can do well. But for sps coloring I few led cannot bring out it's color. So I switch back to MH no doubt it can bring out color well. This may be because my husbandry.

Again the story might be change with today high end LED technology that wait to be prove.

Tank Spec :

Display tank : 48" x 24" x 18."'(H)

Sump tank : 25" x 23" x 18"(H)

Return pump : Reef Octopus 8000

Wave Maker : Vortech MP10Wes

Lighting : DIY LED (Cree led) 60 bulb

Chiller : helia 55hs

Skimmer : BM Curve 7

Controller : Reef Angel

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Switch to led more then 2 years ago.

SPS and LPS doing fine.

In fact with good husbandry my purple SPS start to color up.

No issue.

Algae happen on all type of light.

Make sure your PO4 and N03 is zero or near zero.

Keep a clean crew to help to check your algae

6.5 * 2 * 2 + 3.75 * 1.5 *1.5,(Decomn on 14/9/08)
4*2*2 + 2.5*1.25*1.25 (Decomn on 1/8/09)
5*2*2 (Fully LED light system, 140 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)
2.5*2*2(Fully LED Light System,96 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)

5*2.5*2(LED only)

Eheim return 1 * pump

1 HP Daikin compressor with cooling coil
2 Jebao OW40, 1 ecotech MP40,
1X6085 Tunze wm,

1 CURVE 7 Skimmer

  1 DIY 80 led control by Bluefish mini 

1 radion XR30W G2, 2 Radion XR15G3

Sump area lite by 5 ft T5 , 6 * SSC 3 watt red LED for refugium

1 Full spectrum E27 led light

1 CR control by bubble count

Start No Water Change since 1st Dec 2016

Add new 2.5x2x 1.5 ft 



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

Hi bro, can tell me where is good place with good variety of quality LEDs? I was at Reef Central last weekend, but they had limited range for nano tanks. Am looking for 3-watt/bulb (or higher) clip-on or standing sets.

Switch to led more then 2 years ago.

SPS and LPS doing fine.

In fact with good husbandry my purple SPS start to color up.

No issue.

Algae happen on all type of light.

Make sure your PO4 and N03 is zero or near zero.

Keep a clean crew to help to check your algae

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Take a look at my thread...

If you ask my suggestion... get something similar to this


It has most of the light specturms (wavelenght required for SPS/LPS) covered.. get one set first (for LPS) and when you are ready for SPS, get another one or two sets...this is just my two cents puting myself in your shoes.. :rolleyes:


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Take a look at my thread...

If you ask my suggestion... get something similar to this


It has most of the light specturms (wavelenght required for SPS/LPS) covered.. get one set first (for LPS) and when you are ready for SPS, get another one or two sets...this is just my two cents puting myself in your shoes.. :rolleyes:

Some said that LED lack certain color spectrum / wavelength and UV for SPS to do well. However, with the advance in technology nowadays , you can find LED in the market which match or close to a MH . However, the on-going debate about how long can the LED bulb last is still questionable unless we measure the output using a PAR meter to check regularly .

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Usually that's what most of the LED manufacturers claim that a LED bulb can last 50000 - 70000 hrs which translates into 5-7 years..

Assuming a worst case of 3-4 years ... it's good enough for your to change to another newer lighting technology...who know?(OLED - Organic LED??) Furthermore, changing a LED bulb is cheaper than changing a MH bulb (and you don't have to change all at one short..) :chair:


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Hi AllDoes anyone have experience or more information on the zetlight products www.zetlight.com with specific reference to the z2500 product where the one light can control the others in a master slave config via a Ethernet cable between the units.Does anyone have more info on this product, what type of signal is sent on the cable, is it 0~10v???Reason for asking.... If I can find out what this signal is the I can possible interface it with my GHL profilux aquarium computer that can control lighting...

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Hi AllDoes anyone have experience or more information on the zetlight products www.zetlight.com with specific reference to the z2500 product where the one light can control the others in a master slave config via a Ethernet cable between the units.Does anyone have more info on this product, what type of signal is sent on the cable, is it 0~10v???Reason for asking.... If I can find out what this signal is the I can possible interface it with my GHL profilux aquarium computer that can control lighting...

If you are referring to ZP2200 or ZP3200... then, I would think it is easier to control it from the LED system's control panel(with multi-level settings for simulation of sunrise/sunset/moonlight) rather than interface with profilux ... ?? The best is you check with the manufacturer for specific technical specs.. (Vivi Chen : sales015@zetlight.com)...

Being said that, I would prefer a wireless control panel where your can control multiple light boxes like the following products:

Wireless LED Light.pdf

User Manual for Wireless LED Light.pdf



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Thank you for the contact I have mailed her. Is there any other place you can suggest to find the details of the interface.

Based on my understanding those products do not interface with profilux aquarium computer ... :thumbdown:


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