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Maintaining Chiller


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Pls adv how do u guys upkeep or maintain your chiller...especially when u hv additives like calcium...etc added to tank everyday.

1. Do u flash it n how frequent shld be done?

2. Are there any yearly servicing or such

3. Wat abt gas top-up.

4. R there any warning b4 breakdown.

5. Normally, what "life-span" does a chiller have.

With d abv points,,,does it make any difference if the chiller is copper or titanium? Yr guidance will be appreciated. Tks :bow:

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1. Do u flash it n how frequent shld be done?

Try reversing the waterflow when servicing it of flush out the dirt. Advise against chemical wash as they might be harmful to corals.

2. Are there any yearly servicing or such

More of you own cleaning. Take out cover, clean the fan and the condenser. Make sure to remove dust which can restrict efficiency.

3. Wat abt gas top-up.

The gas is soldered instead of using a valve I think so should not leak. But might vary between models.

4. R there any warning b4 breakdown.

Dont think os. But sometime if it suddenly get louder then usual means something wrong liao.

5. Normally, what "life-span" does a chiller have.

Depend on make. very hard to say. Many have use teco for many years without problem. while other have use resun without problem while others get problem soon after purchase.

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