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Coral Chips function same as Live Rock?


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I heard many reefers mention that the sump should not contain coral chips. But I was just wondering if coral chips has the same function as live rock? Coral chips are porous rite same as live rock? So it allows beneficial bacteria to colonize on them just as on live rock? Is this correct? Pleas enlighten me!


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Technically, yes.

Any material with ample surface area will be colonised by bacteria.

The only reason why I say coral chips don't have much use in sumps is because of the size of the grains allow too much detritus to get trapped in them and cause nitrates to rise when they break down.

And also, the right kind of bacteria (anaerobic bacteria) will not colonise a DSB based on coral chips... unless its like a metre of more deep... hehehe...

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ok AT..

my sump as a DSB of 6 inches but i also have a compartment where i keep 20kg of coral chips.. u're rite when i take them out i see lots of debris at the bottom and the chips smell funny too.. so what should i do? should i just do away with the chips and have an empty sump full of water and just a dsb? is that good enuf?

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My sump is empty... no coral chips and no DSB there. My DSB is in my main tank.

Technically, you need to have a DSB that is matched with the same surface area of your main tank to be effective.

Having coral chips in a DSB will cause more bad things than good. They really serve no purpose except for aerobic bacteria to grow on ie. produce more nitrates.

Having detritus getting stuck in a coral chips filled compartment will also cause a buildup of more nitrates.

Hope my explanation is as clear as mud. :lol:

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