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HELP!! My Cleaner Shrimps Just SPawned!!


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  • SRC Member

My cleaner shrimps just spawned hundreds of baby shrimps!! I wanted to save at least some of them. Anyone know what to do to keep them alive???? there is 3 shrimps in the tank plus another goby. i had remove some of babies into another tank..and placed a piece of live rock in it.

Can't really find any info on ways to keep them alive. Anyone know what to feed them? HELP!! :o:(

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You have to feed them with phyto initially, then to live rotifers, moving them up to fresh hatched baby brine shrimp (BBS). You have to know which stage of growth they are in. :erm:

But I must tell you its a lost cause. I tried before and they don't last long. You need to ensure good water quality while ensuring enough food for them. You can't use canister filters so water changes is probably the only option.

IMO, just let them be naturally coral food.

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izzit!!! CONGRATES!!!! erm... yzf, u can try feeding them with those food like erm... plakton? those small small organism found in salt water. then slowly into those looks a like those ppl feed fightinh fish wan... dunno wad that call. anyway, wad symdrome does the shrimp have b4 they spwan?

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  • SRC Member

akuma. dun need to post again the exact same thing someone posted b4 but a lot less specifically . relax :) . cleaner shrimp spawn all the time. like AT says just let corals eat them.

I think u mean symptom not syndrome. Just look at your CS. u can see the eggs in the tail section. big orangey mass

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my anemone shrimp spawned before too, tried to keep them alive but very tough.... but the good news is, if you can keep them alive and make them grow... there seems to be a shortage of cleaner shrimps in the market now... kekeke...

Vincent Ho :D

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  • SRC Member

planktons? where to get it? any brands? i am feeding my corals a Coralife solution. will it do? i had transfer to another tank with a sand bed and just a air pump running.

terry: can try feeding Dt phytoplankton... What's that??

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