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Alage scrubber VS Skimmer



31 members have voted

  1. 1. which is better?

    • Scrubber
    • Skimmer

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  • SRC Member

Which one do u all think is better for a mix reef tank?

The Cost of both is about the same, but scrubber need more maintain than skimmer? and also need more power(pump & light).

So cannot make up my mind which one to use. pls help.

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wow. Im amazed that this is even a question offered.

skimmer is basic equipment required to run a salt water fish tank. Im from australia, work in an aquarium store, and cant believe that people would sell a marine set up with out a skimmer.

any fish, or other live stock (corals, inverts, etc) require nutrients to survive in an aquarium. These live stock will produce protein as a waste of the food they eat in the form of protein. Protein skimmers remove this waste, as well as excess phosphate (that cause major algae problems) and are a must for any sustainable salt water aquarium.

The only exception is if you do weekly (at least once a week if not twice a week) water changes of 10-20% to manually remove this waste.

I know that aquariums can be run without skimmer but for the money spent on coral and fish ($20-100+ ea) the small investment of even a cheap skimmer costing $100 can and WILL save you $100's if you wish to run a successful aquarium in the long run and not have fish and coral die.

Correct skimmer, lighting and live rock will ensure you have a marine aquarium for the long term (1yr+)!!!

Im a reefer since 2008 and have had fresh water since 1998. Have had 8x2x2ft reef and currently run a newly set up 3x18x18inch mixed reef.

scrubbers are good at removing some waste but I have seen time and time again aquarium that run very well without scrubbers but not aquariums that run without skimmer. The more you can spend on a skimmer the better. SKIMS singapore are top of the range and well worth the dollars spent.

please look at the poll and buy a skimmer. scrubber is worth looking at in the future if you really need but skimmer is a MUST!!!!!!

hope my experience helps. here a pic of my tank. no scrubber but nice big skimmer....

check out www.masa.asn.au tank journals. almost none have scrubbers but almost ALL have skimmers.

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why not buy a good skimmer- diy your own ATS? its a few hours job-provided you work out a detailed plan and have a good hardware store handy. I did mine. Bought a shuran skimmer from Reef system...damn solid! But felt since I tend to feed more to both fishes and corals.I researched and DIY my own - over time -upgraded it by adding chaeto's (kindly given to me by "theblob"



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  • 2 months later...
  • 10 months later...
  • SRC Member

I had ran an ATS alone for 9 mths and ATS with skimmer for another 9 mths before. ATS alone does not affect any of my livestocks. NO3 maintained around 2 to 5. After add in skimmer, my NO3 maintained 0.68 to 1. All using D&D test kit untill i added in SPS too fast and my NO3 shoot up to 50. Now, running skimmer with biopellets. NO3 maintain 0 so far, with the same skimmer that run with ATS before. So, running ATS with skimmer has its benefits.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

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Skimmers remove nutrients (protein) before they break down whereas ATS take out those that are broken down (nitrates)..

Skimmers will be a basic item as it's mostly plug and play - just clean it when the collection cup needs to be cleaned.

ATS requires a lot more tweaking and an additional light to run it. You also need to remove the algae and check the flow rate to make sure the water is flowing optimally..

If you have the luxury of space, run an external ATS. My next tank will try to include an external ATS, for pods and maybe a mandarin..

The discussion of ATS vs Skimmers have been going on since forever, instead of asking which is better, provide your tank information (size, what fauna etc) and the experience friends here will be able to suggest which is more applicable to you.


4 x 2 x 1 low tank


Trying to minimise equipment as much as possible.

Would love to make new friends in the reefing community - PM me!

A short video of my tank on a Sunday morning

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is best to have both coz ATS prevents algae growth in your main tank, all algae will concentrated in the ATS where lots of flow and lights available, this is the main usage of ATS that seem most has forgotten...

ATS is to export nutrients and control algae growth in main tank, try ATS if you ave algae problem, that's one problem skimmer can't help.

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is best to have both coz ATS prevents algae growth in your main tank, all algae will concentrated in the ATS where lots of flow and lights available, this is the main usage of ATS that seem most has forgotten...

ATS is to export nutrients and control algae growth in main tank, try ATS if you ave algae problem, that's one problem skimmer can't help.

I second that as a good skimmer is able to break down nutrient before it converted into N03 or p04 which is the main cause of alage bloom.

You need to have a suitable and sizeable ATS in order to replace the skimmer depending on your bioload as well.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2

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  • 2 weeks later...

hi hi i actuallly use cheato , algae scrubber (18w + 18w) both cheato and scrubber receive light

and skimmer.

but then skimmer pump spoil, i didnt replace my tank now all run well.

4 tang fish 3 angel, 3 nemo , and 3 small fish for 3x1.5x1.5 sump same size

well so far so good alage scrubber produce red grape algae , then i pluck off for my tang fish to eat hahaa

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