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Thailand (Pattaya) UPGRADE has started


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OK finaly got things going a little on my as the tittle said 165Gl display I have now to a 1000Gl total system upgrade.

The new DT tank would be a 600Gl 118" x 40" x 28"

a sump of 187Gl and a 150Gl Refugium will be completing the system.

2 water change tanks will be built as well of 120Gl each to have easy water changes implemented.

to give you a little idea on what has been planned.


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I hope you guys will stick with this project as also mention previous in the title it will be a long and slow process of getting things up and running. I currently have most of the equipment though still ordering bits and pieces.

We have completed the first stage of the house rebuilt as we installed a Patio in our garden which will house the entire filter system under it.

Next stage to the house will be hole in the wall for the tank close up another wall to remove a window. At that point I hope to receive the tank as well and get things realy going.

here a pic of the roof we have built.


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Ok finally got the new fuge/sump set up connected to the current (remember smaller) DT

I attached some picture so you guys can follow and would like advice on what I could or need to change to even get better results out of it.

PICTURE 1 Current DT (165Gl mixed reef)

is being drained by a 2" silent overflow.


PICTURE 2 1st compartment with a Reeflo Orca 180ext skimmer (rated for 600Gl)

The compartment is a total of 57Gl


PICTURE 3 is a compartment runnin g through the back of the set up to lead the water to the second large compartment. (when the large DT arrives I was thinking on filling it up with mangroves?)


PICTURE 4 second large compartment (54gl) when the large DT arrives this will be filled with a second skimmer rated at 750gl (which would make a total skim capacity of 1350gl) for now this compartment will stay empty and used as water volume. (Chiller and Fuge set up pumps are connected out of this compartment)


PICTURE 5 First compartment of my old Fuge/Sump set up that I didnt want to get to waste and cleaned out completely ready to be used again. So first compartment I set up as a DSB with Macro algea (currently Caulerpa in there)

The DSB is about 5" deep) the compartment hold 40gl of water pump feeding is 500GpH


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hope you guys are still with me?

PICTURE 7 second compartment of old Sump/Fuge. Had a 40Gl compartment spare here and as the wife is crazy for seahorses will be set up as a small seahorse cube. I added some fake decorations and have currently one seahorse in there later more about that one.


PICTURE 8 last 2 compartment to drain back into the main sump set up. The second large compartment of that set up.


PICTURE 9 4th compartment in the newest sump/fuge set up. Is a 48Gl compartment which will be filled with LR if they arrive as they are currently still being collected by the local diving club out of the gulf of Thailand.


PICTURE 10 last compartment out of which the return pump pumps the water back the DT. The return pump is a 3500GpH rated Atman pump. When the new large DT arrives will be replaced with a Reeflo Barracuda. The pump is currently dailed back to about 3/4 capacity.


Both fluidizers you see on previous pictures are one filled with Rowa Phos and the other filled with Rowa Carbon.

PICTURE 11 the return pump is connected to a 4 way Ocean Motions (2 ways blocked for now but will be completely used with large DT)



ending up in a total of 5 modular hose nozzles


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so to give a complete calculation.

The current DT is 165 Gallon

the new sump/Fuge set up carries a complete water volume of 187 Gallon

the older sump/Fuge set up half used as seahorse Cube holds a total water volume of 110 Gallon.

Which makes the complete water volume in the system at 462 Gallon.

since setting up the new filtration my Nitrate levels have dropped from a constant 20 to now 5ppm. still high but has reduced to this number in 3 days. hopefully will reduce a bit more.

I currently still struggle with some low Phosphate levels but just connected the RowaPhos to the system today so hopefully this will clear up as well.

all other parameters are ideal with just the Calcium maybe on the low side at 400ppm.

I am using real ocean water.

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  • SRC Supporter

Wow, you build a roof over it just to house your equipment ?.. impressive .. Will be camping here for update. I bet it really envy alot of us here in sillypore to have a dedicated reefing room which many of us can only dream of..

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  • 5 weeks later...

the fresh rock arrived earlier then expected.

The guy went diving for them last night. Came straight out of the Gulf with a minimal amount of time out of the water so I figured they could be added straight.

They are full of life and have tons of critters in them which I will leave on them as they will end up in the sump anyways.

here some pictures of the 150Lbs of very life rocks







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disaster has struck my chiller gave out.



This morning still all OK. Came home with a new Chocolate Tang to add to the tank and felt the water to be warm? Straight checked the chiller and temp was at 30C###?

My god called my repair man straight who was doing another job first but came within 2 hours of it all. Found a blockage and my chiller was completely frozen up even though he stands straight into the sun almost outside.

Anyway he is fixing it as we speak now but just a temporary fix so it would run through the night and tomorrow he would bring a new upgraded whatever it was he said...... anyway it would be going from 9000BTU to 12000BTU now which would a bit better. For sur ealso looking towards to future upgrade which is coming up now in 4 months and counting.

Good it happened when I was still here and not next week if I am gone for work and the wife home alone.

Updates will come.

Installed a new saltwater storage tank/ATO system.

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News just got better he cant get the thing to work temporary so I am without chiller right now. Placed 2 large fans on my DT to try and get the temp as low as possible but it seem I cant get it lower then 84F?

Switch off the lights (even though they are LED and dont give any heat I thought it would be better to lsow down the system shutting down the light?

Did I do right there or would not make a difference?

Please advise.

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you can try turning off the less essential equipments like skimmers and other fr pumps etc to reduce the heat output, leaving just the return and wavemakers. an airpump could also be used to help aerate the tank just in case.

ice in sealed bags in the sump would help to lower the temperature even more without lowering your salinity, but you would need to watch the temperature to prevent over cooling.

hope your temperature problem fixes soon :)

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As what bro straydum mention, temporarily running with minimum equipment will helps to keep the temp down before you get your chiller repaired. Good luck , and keep the photos coming.. groupwavereversed.gif

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