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Hon Kit's Reef Tank


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finally get to see your tank posts bro! :D

Main tank: 4.5 x 2.5 x 2
Skimmer: Deltec AP701
Return pump: RD 6

Chiller: Daikin compressor with Titanium coil
Wavemaker: Jebao w-20, Maxspect Gyre xf150

Lighting: 8x54 ATI Sunpower Non-dimmable

Linked tank
Main tank: 2 x 1 x 2
Return: Eheim 1260
Lighting: AI Hydra 26 with controller
Wavemaker: Tunze 6025
My decommed 3 ft setup

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Woah... so red!!!

Super nice... do share the tank specs...

Here they are...

3 ft X 2 X 2 + sump = 100 gallons (400 litres)

ATI Sunpower 6 X 39W + DE retrofit 2 X 39W; total of 8 bulbs => 5 Blue plus, 2 Aquablue Special and 1 Purple Plus

Skimz SK251 protein skimmer

1 6055 Tunze wavemaker with single controller, 1 6065 tunze wavemaker (non-controllable)

1 Eheim 1062 return pump

I use minimal rocks as I want more space for SPS corals to grow and better water flow. I utilized dead rocks instead of live as I did not want any pests, algae or lots of phosphates leaching from dead and dying organisms in LRs.

I run Rowaphos with a Skimz FR and carbon in a mesh bag constantly.

I dose Prodibio's Biodigest and Biotipm once every 2 weeks. Also Salifert's amino acids once a week.

Dosing alkalinity and calcium solutions (powder mixed with RO/DI water)to keep up with SPS alk and ca demands. Will switch to TLF's C-Balance solutions once I get my new dosing pump.

Change 10-20 litres of water once a week.

I also have a small refugium in the sump with chaeto and lit by a Nano-glo LED ficture.

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Some of the less light demanding SPS corals such as my purple a.valida and s.hystrix are turning paler in colour. I have reduced my Aquablue Special photoperiod by 30 mins and will monitor for any colour changes. If there are no postive changes, I will reduce it further.

Will also up my SPS coral feeding to 4X per week (from the current 3X) with Roti-Feast and TLF's Zoplan.

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I like the minimalist concept. Very nice.

Thanks. It looks rather empty now. I have to be patient as I need at least 6-12 months for the SPS frags and zoanthids to grow to decent sized colonies (depending on growth rates of certain species). Hopefully, some natural growth patterns can be cultivated and fill up some of the empty space.

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