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Xtrader's Nano Tank


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  • SRC Member

Have been in this hobby on and off.

But have never been spectacular in my set- up.

My first tank was a 3x3x2 after seeing Aqua Technic's tank 17 years ago.

My second was a small 2x2x2 cube

The third tank did not take off due to oversea posting.

This is my fourth tank over 17 years.

Somehow my interest seem to last only about 1-2 years.

This time around, I hope to make it a permanent one.

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  • SRC Member

Welcome back! ^_^

You might wanna consider raising the height of the light set. It can actually be quite bright, so you have to give your corals some time to adapt to the strong lighting.

I'm curious... why did you ask the tank maker to construct the overflow box slightly off the left side? Just for the return piping?

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  • SRC Member

Welcome back! ^_^

You might wanna consider raising the height of the light set. It can actually be quite bright, so you have to give your corals some time to adapt to the strong lighting.

I'm curious... why did you ask the tank maker to construct the overflow box slightly off the left side? Just for the return piping?

Thank You.

Yes, the over flow is slightly off both from the side and the back.

This is to

1. Hide pipes and wavemaker behind the over flow.

2. Allow the water to swirl around the over flow for better circulation?

3. To bond dead rock on the overflow and give a more 3D effect.

4. Overflow will be under the light and I will in-cooperate algae scrubber

Does that make senses?

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  • SRC Member

Interesting concept. However, the gaps are not wide enough, so instead of better circulation, it might end up being dead spots. It really depends on how you place your wave makers though...

How much gap do you think it will require?

Now is 4-5 inch gap. good for mp10 and a return pipe.

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I wouldn't grow algae in the overflow area, loose algae will clog your down pipe and further more how are you going to take out the black sheet to clean it?

To have a successful scrubber you'll need direct lighting and a really good even flow over the material that you plan to grow your algae on.

This is a really new concept of sticking rocks on glass.

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  • SRC Member

as much as i agree with eniram's point of potential clogging, i think it could work. a few bros have successfully incorporated scrubbers into their overflows. light would be an issue, as said direct lighting in required. if the back face of the overflow box wasn't black (or that dark, i can't really tell if its black due to the scrubber sheet) and perhaps was the clear back tank glass instead, you could have had lamps shining in making it like a 3 sided scrubber rather than now a 4 sided which brings in the lighting issue.

sticking rocks on overflow is not really a new concept. there are plenty of examples on RC. most reefers there prefer a full rock wall with foam, rocks and sand, rather than just rocks on the box, which makes it look more natural. it also saves one the wait of algae slowly covering the unnatural plastic/glass. other's just stick their corals straight on it with the eventual results being the same - a covered overflow :)

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  • SRC Member

I wouldn't grow algae in the overflow area, loose algae will clog your down pipe and further more how are you going to take out the black sheet to clean it?

To have a successful scrubber you'll need direct lighting and a really good even flow over the material that you plan to grow your algae on.

This is a really new concept of sticking rocks on glass.

Thanks for the feedback.

I will take note and shall test it out on the scrabber.

My down pipe is quite assesable for cleaning

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  • SRC Member

as much as i agree with eniram's point of potential clogging, i think it could work. a few bros have successfully incorporated scrubbers into their overflows. light would be an issue, as said direct lighting in required. if the back face of the overflow box wasn't black (or that dark, i can't really tell if its black due to the scrubber sheet) and perhaps was the clear back tank glass instead, you could have had lamps shining in making it like a 3 sided scrubber rather than now a 4 sided which brings in the lighting issue. :)

There will be some direct light shining into the overflow.

If the scabber is really good, I might put a tube of light into the overflow box.

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