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My New 6ft Tank


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It can only goes sideways. If going upwards, I have to push it up manually.

As for the rocks, I guess I have to stick to existing ones i have as it's not cheap to buy big nice rocks..

noted on the sponge on top of the filter socks. I started to see water splashing upwards...

As for the MP40... I am selling it away as it cannot match with my existing cabinet structure.. so called wireless!! At the meantime, use it circulate my tank while looking for a seller. :)

To be frank.. if you install sideways... might as well fixed it dead.. no need to waste money doing track since I don't you can move sideways also...

For rocks, it is worth spending at least to get 1 or 2 big key pieces to scape.. the rest you can add slowly.. Alternatively, check out fellow reefers who decomm.. they usually sell cheap and encrusted with coralline algae..

If MP40 can't fit.. i'm not sure what you want.. there's no "wireless" wavemaker in the market... if you do your research.. As some of them has mentioned, try use it on the cabinet side if you find it obtrusive.. but if you wanna sell the Mp40, i'm sure some reefers will be glad to buy from you.

Honestly, I think it's either you didn't plan carefully or the tankmaker didn't advise you properly... most of us can already see so many problems with this built... hopes it turn out alright... Good luck!

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Hi Ketchup,

Thanks for your advise. But the track comes together with the lights as a package.

90% of my rocks are purchased from reefers.

I am not doubting the MP40 capabilities but as it need a dry area, it does not blend well with my cabinet structure. Most likely, I will go for Tunze wave makers..

As for the problems mentioned, I treat it as a learning process.

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I can c wit e current liverock, u can do a nice scaping bro. Jus need to be creative. Sellect a theme for ur tank n it wil make scapin easier. Example like mountain scape, tree scape, bonsai scape, bridges scape etc etc...

Will post a tree scaping later to giv u an example... Its easy... 

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As for the problems mentioned, I treat it as a learning process.

2 thumbs up for your positive attitude bro. press on.

decision made, money spent, now lets make the best of what you have.

I think a lot of reefers have voiced their concern subtlely regarding your setup out of goodwill.


- having a power socket just above the filter sock - is really badly thought and dangerous. I think 10 out of 10 experienced reefers would have felt that way. Check out McNuggets tank thread where a separate compartment is built for electrical point. That is a good idea. I am not sure if your plastic cover has been done. I hope it has, else it would really be a life hazard.

- The filter sock area. This area is usually higher and enclosed. so that even if you sock clogs and overflows, water will not splash all over.If you see water splashing upwards even before it clogs, then, it will get worst when it starts clogging. Check the filter sock that you are using. There are 100 microns, 150 microns and 200 microns type. 100 microns will clog much faster. do monitor closely if you are using 100 or 150 microns sock. Then there are 2 type of materials for socks. one is made of nylon (easier to wash) and the other is pp (what you are using).

For the scape, I have not seen your tank so am not sure how difficult it is to scape with the tight space you have. If it is really tough, then you may want to consider epoxying the rocks outside the tank. let the epoxy cure ( leave them outside a day) and then place them inside. again, check if the space above allows for that.

Bro, can see that you are probably pretty new to the hobby. We are all here to help wherever we can. if you have any questions, just shoot.

So what will you be keeping?

Eqpt: Deltec MCE 600, Tunze 6055 with Tunze 7091 controller, Artica 1/15 HP chiller, AquaIllumination Sol Blue LED Light System

2011 resolution : Do it simpler, better and in an easier way!

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Hi Ketchup,

Thanks for your advise. But the track comes together with the lights as a package.

90% of my rocks are purchased from reefers.

I am not doubting the MP40 capabilities but as it need a dry area, it does not blend well with my cabinet structure. Most likely, I will go for Tunze wave makers..

As for the problems mentioned, I treat it as a learning process.

Hi Danzer

I understand.. most of the reefers here went through some "interesting" learning process... For me, it's the no frill quick start system... which we managed to maintain for 2 years before upgrade.. learning along the way.

However, to be honest, learning the hard way is no fun... not to mention costly, hence we all try to help out as much as we can.

For the wavemaker, yes, Tunze will be a good choice.. go for the multicontrollers and controllable units if you can. Can start off with 2 wavemakers and a controller. There will be some limitations as well so please do read up a little.

For your rocks, I think you can still use some of the rocks but if you have a chance, you can see Jacky's thread and McNuggets thread to see the type of rockscape you can achieve with nice CF rocks. The reason why i stressed so much on scaping is that once your key rocks are in, you probably will not change anymore.

As for lighting, I guess you just wasted some money by fixing the railing the wrong way round. If you can, see if you can ask for it to be mounted the other way round so you can pull the lights in/out which will help in maintenance and placing of corals.

Just my 2 cents worth.

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Hi bro, your build is almost completed :goodjob: Your learning curve might be abit more steep with this build, but that's a good attitude to start off with! :cheers: Some suggestions from me...

You should ask Vincent to rectify some of the suggestions made, especially as they pose a electrical safety hazard.

For the scaping, it seems you have also engaged Vincent to do the scaping, so make sure you are happy with the scape. You might want to research more on the beautiful scapes reefers have built in their tanks. Reef Central is one good place to start off with, of course our forum have some good artists too. Wilson and Thairun's scapes are 2 large tank scapes I can think of now, can feel free to 'copy and paste'. :rolleyes: I doubt you would want to rescape in the future so do make sure it is done well. Yes, it would be nice to have some CF rocks, but its your wallet at the end of the day.

For the wavemakers, I agree that Vortech doesn't suit your build. You would need at least 2 wavemakers, maybe add a wave box if you have the space. If budget is an issue, can explore other cheaper alternatives. You may even use the $ saved to buy better live rocks maybe?

The biggest issue I foresee is the lights which would hinder your movement within the tank. I think it is v. important that you have easy access to your tank or you may lose interest in the tank v. quickly. I doubt you can mount them to push the fixtures fowards and backwards since you have a support beam in the way. I agree with Ketchup that it is more or less a dead fixture. My suggestion is to ask Vincent to build some sort of hook/shelf along the support beam so that you can lift up and rest the lightset while you work in your tank in future. Yes, the hanging kit allows you to move the lightset up and down, but we are talking about convenience here. And with such a large tank, convenience is key.

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Hi Ketchup & comycus

Many thanks for the long reply. Really happy to see many truthful comments for improvements. I will definitely make a trip to CF to see their Fuji Rocks. Maybe buy a few nice pieces to do the final scape.

As for the lighting, I will think of a way to convenience for easy access. To be fair to Vincent, the landscape, rail mount and installation is not included. More of an extra service rendered.

The hook is a good suggestion and I will look into it. Many thanks :)

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