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Glass box at CCK corner


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Hello, this is my first thread in this Forum. So how should I start?

Hmm…………… ok then, I had started this insane and addictedhobby in year 2004. I had been introduced by my neighbor when bumped to himwith few packets of marine fishes namely what I can remember copperband, damseland a pair of nemo. Here where my enthusiast stroked and burned to own a marinetank. Cut grandmother story short came my 2footer then to 3ft. Then upgraded to4 footer X2 (dedicated FOWLR and Reef tank).

Then come this tank 5X2.5X2.5 ft since the commissioned ofit in Feb year 2007.


My journey in this 5footer is rough, every year I faced all kindsof mishap. Each make me standup stronger as a child just learned to walk. From equipments failed to technical and human errors. Each time I grow stronger.


My tanks specs as in my signature share a 4feet sump to 4 tanks either DT then piped through wall in my fish-room ###### maid restroom the 2Xfrag tanks, 2ft cube (refuge) and ATS. It reflects all the equipment too, nothing else all 2nd hand junk.

Enjoy! When the tank is in prime condition early this year - some macro shoot.


Those are the memories I wish to documented in this thread before the new beginning :rolleyes:

Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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Finally able to read your tank and see your tank .

But the photo don't do justice .

The actual view is more stunning.


6.5 * 2 * 2 + 3.75 * 1.5 *1.5,(Decomn on 14/9/08)
4*2*2 + 2.5*1.25*1.25 (Decomn on 1/8/09)
5*2*2 (Fully LED light system, 140 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)
2.5*2*2(Fully LED Light System,96 3 watt SSC leds with 60 degree lens)(Decomm)

5*2.5*2(LED only)

Eheim return 1 * pump

1 HP Daikin compressor with cooling coil
2 Jebao OW40, 1 ecotech MP40,
1X6085 Tunze wm,

1 CURVE 7 Skimmer

  1 DIY 80 led control by Bluefish mini 

1 radion XR30W G2, 2 Radion XR15G3

Sump area lite by 5 ft T5 , 6 * SSC 3 watt red LED for refugium

1 Full spectrum E27 led light

1 CR control by bubble count

Start No Water Change since 1st Dec 2016

Add new 2.5x2x 1.5 ft 



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Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Thanks everyone here for your kind words. When time go by I wil post more pics of the memories and my routine maintenance. Dont think so this tank can be in the newly thread TOTQ as it has been revamped. Congrat! to you bro Eniram (Jeremy).

Actually my write-uphere in this forum is to share my move and to get comments and critiques from members here as we go along.

My latest very first move for this nearly 4yrs old tank isRESCAPING…………………………and NOW.


This is a concept of valley with overhang and bridges. Actually am been influence by a thread on RC that is bonsai tree rescaping But ended this LOL :lol:

Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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  • SRC Member
  • SRC Member

very nice scaping bro... especially the deep valley :)

Main Tank: 5 x 1 x 1

Return from overflow: Eheim compact+ 5000

Lighting: 2x 54W T5

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1350

Chiller: Arctica 1/10

Wave Maker: Tunze Nano Wavebox & Tunze 6055 with Photocell
Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint pH monitor
Monitor 2: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor

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  • SRC Member

Bro !

U posted so many photo, will u stop us from visiting u instead in future? Haha....

Finally the hidden Dragon awake and appear ! A good one right? Hee

Support your thread and will stay tune for more shots.

Upz upz upz for the waken Dragon ...

---2Ft Cube by MarineLife---2008-2009

http://w w w.absolutereef . com/forums/index.php?showtopic=12369

Skimmer: Deltec APF600 feeder by Eheim 1250

Lighting: Solite 150MH 14k

Supplement: Giesemann T5 Razor, Actinic Plus ~22k

Top-up: Tunze Osmolator Universal 3155

Return: Eheim 1260

Reactor: Skimz FR Rowaphos


---1.5Ft Cube by Iwarna---2010- ???


Tank: 1.5Ft Cube,Sump with Chengai Wood Cabinate

skimmer: Reef Oct Nw110

Return: Eheim 1250

Chiller: Hailea HC150A with feeder Eheim Compact 1000

Reactor: Phosphan with Rowaphos

Lighting: MaxSpec G2 110w,DELighting T5 ATI*2,Giesemann T5 Razor ATI*2

WaveMaker: MP10 VorTech

Top Up : ATO with Tank

-------------------------Your Advice is my Success

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So much of flattering words here my friends, feel paiseh la. Thanks all for the encouraging words that burning my desire and inspiration to go futher.

Bro !

U posted so many photo, will u stop us from visiting u instead in future? Haha....

Finally the hidden Dragon awake and appear ! A good one right? Hee

Support your thread and will stay tune for more shots.

Upz upz upz for the waken Dragon ...

Bro you are such a funny guy LOL :lol:

Posting many photos mean luring many reefer to comeby visit me instead......... haha..... just kidding bro.

As I told you my journey is up and down, those pics are the glories days when they at the optimum.

I will post one day some pics where the black side of them :cry:

Thanks anyway for your support, infacts with others also who especially comeby visit me to make this hobby sustainable in relation with the Singapore Power issue :D you know what I mean.

There are actually more reason I rescape the tank beside looking the bored pile of rockscape year round. Last week with help of my buddy Cooperband (very hard working mate) I had done this back aching task taking out all the content of the tank. My main aim is to get rid of the starboard underlayed at the bottom of the tank. I believed this is the main culprit of my tank with super saturated nO3 which really hard to push down to nil. The Nitrate storage always hindered me getting good frags from others. It is true when I siphoned the tank at the end of the water disposal what I get is ½ pail of detritus.

Chiselling the overgrown lime green monti


This is the back-aching job


Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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At last very long awaited thread.... Nice scaping!!!!

Have been thinking hard for sometimes and after seeing ur thread..

That's it i have decided to rescape mine tank!!!!!!

|| Tank: 5x2x2.5 || Sump 3.5x1.5.1.5 || Lights: DeLighting 2x80w Aquable Special T5 ||

|| Return: 2 x ehiem 1264 || Skimmer: Skimz SM251 ||

|| CR: deltec denitrator || ATO with custom make reservior tank||

|| FR: TLF running Rowas ,UV ||

|| Wavemaker: Jebao RE20& RW15|| Chiller: Daikin 1HP Compressor ||

|| Monitor 1: American Marine Pinpoint Temperature monitor ||

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At last very long awaited thread.... Nice scaping!!!!

Have been thinking hard for sometimes and after seeing ur thread..

That's it i have decided to rescape mine tank!!!!!!

Welcome bro to the rescape fun!! ...........hehe :lol:

After a long 3days cycle of the 550litres new NSW supplied by LCK mix with 1/3 of previous water togethr in the DT and the the fishes seem to be be all OK. Then come the setting of all my corals stationed in my frag tank and cube refuge into the DT.

Here they are after a weeks placing them


Left side






Any comments all are welcome, hopefully they settle down in this few weeks/ months hehe

Will keep updating the growth of them I promise.


Mix reef-Main tank 3x2.5x2.5ftA

TI 3ft 8tube

Hitachi compressor unit 1HP

1 x AP- 702 Deltec

1 x Coral Lab CR with Ph controller; 1X AquaMedic Kalk Reactor top off

Baby fish dosing kh/Sr&Kcl/mg

DI water thru kalkwasser

1 x Skimz Fr with BRS gfo

2 x Rio 32hF main pump

1 x Pinpt Orp monitor

1 X Pinpt Ph monitor

Aquamedic wave maker

Sump 3x1.5ft plumbed together with;

1.5ft cube live rock

Frag tank 5x1x1ft


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  • SRC Member

:friends: WAH....still got so many GEMs !!! :welldone::eyebrow:

Welcome bro to the rescape fun!! ...........hehe :lol:

After a long 3days cycle of the 550litres new NSW supplied by LCK mix with 1/3 of previous water togethr in the DT and the the fishes seem to be be all OK. Then come the setting of all my corals stationed in my frag tank and cube refuge into the DT.

Here they are after a weeks placing them


Left side






Any comments all are welcome, hopefully they settle down in this few weeks/ months hehe

Will keep updating the growth of them I promise.


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