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SRC Tank of the Quarter Winner !! Aka Eniram

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Singapore Reef Club (SRC) is proud to featured the First Tank of the Quarter ( TOTQ ) winner . Jeremy aka (Eniram) beautiful SPS dominated mixed reef tank has been chosen to be showcase for this quarter.

Front View


Side View


Brief History of my Setup

Let me thank both the Singapore Reef Club staff and to everyone spending time reading this article. Really honored to be nominated TOTQ, but I believe there are more reefers out there who have just an impressive tank.

Reefing all began in 2001 when I chanced upon my uncles tank which was Fish Only With Live Rocks (FOWLR). It was ran with a canister filter, wooden air stone skimmer and only 2 tubes of T8 lights, NO chiller somehow that got me hooked on reefing, but the main catalyst that pushed me into reefing was when I was enlisted into the Navy where many exercises were held on the island P.Senang.

I was amazed by the corals and fishes that were within touching distance, sun corals growing on the jetty pillars, green turtles swimming past at night under the flood lights and the really rare chance to spot a school of dolphins off the coast of Singapore.

2003 I chanced upon SRC and the reefing poison slowly but surely kicked in. From there did a lot of research and got a lot of inspirations from our local and overseas reefing community. I remember heading down to Reborn, Harlequin, and another LFS around the area (had a seahorse logo, can't remember its name), Reef Aquarist along Koon Seng road and E-aquarist at Siglap. All these were my favorite haunts.

Due to financial constrains (straight out of NS) I got myself a 1.5ft tank with an IOS (Internal Overflow system), Weipro skimmer, some really cheap fluorescent lights that had blue and white infused into 1 bulb and a PC fan , but Keeping a reef with these equipments were a challenge, constant temperature and salinity fluctuations, PO4 and NO3 were going hay wire, red slime taking over my tank and countless unnecessary live stock and corals dying in my hands.

Furthermore it was making a mess in my parents place and work load took a toll on me and the tank. So I stopped reefing but was still hibernating on SRC, keeping in touch with the local reefing scenes.

2008 got my own place, by divine King Neptune's power of the trident, visited my wife's good friend and what did you know her husband aka Wilson had a 2.5ft cure reef tank!

The 7 year itch kicked in and the rest is history plus Aquarama 2009 happened to be round the corner, competition tanks were on sale, I told myself it's now or never or regret like a frogfish missed its dinner. This 3 footer lasted a year and by 2011 I got myself a new tank that is till today.

Tank details and specification

My current tank is built of a 12 mm thick glass, 48"x36"x20" 3 sides low iron glass. Sump Tank 36"x36"x12" the total volume of the system is about 200 US gallons. Decided to go bare bottom, this way I can maximize my wave makers without the sand storm.

Water circulation is provided by a Reef Octopus water blaster 5000 and a Ehiem 1262 that is linked to my chiller and out into Main tank.

Maintenance, Feeding & Supplements

To maintain calcium and alkalinity levels I added via a Bubble Magus dosing pump, which is used for supplementing all 3 main elements such as Ca, KH and Mg. Basically, I check the Ca and kH levels every second week and adjust them if it is necessary.

All water changes and top-off are done using DI water. I typically perform about 10% water changes every week. 20% every month, if not for the necessity of frequently trimming corals, the system would need little maintenance, which usually means emptying the skimmer cup, cleaning the tank's viewing panels, water changing, preparing Ca and kH solutions and replacing carbon. From time to time I check the most important parameters with Salifert testkit (Ca, Mg, kH) . Moreover, on a daily basis I monitor the salinity and feed my fishes, I don't feed my corals other then my super sun. I believe when I feed my fishes and the detritus that are floating around it feeds my corals.

Tank Equipments & system parameter

Calcium - ca ; 450~500

Alkaline - KH ; 8.5~10

Magnesium – mg ; 1450



Tank system profile

Skimmer ; Running a Reef Octopus 3000 INT with bubble blaster 3000 pump

Mechanical filtration ; Cheap filter wool (changed bi-weekly with water change)

UV ;36W Coralife UV

Dosing pump ; Bubble magus dosing pump of Ca, KH, Mg

Chemical filtration ; PURA Phos-Lock Filter Media and PURA Carbon

Main return pump ;Reef Octopus water blaster 5000

Wave maker ;2xEco-tech MP40Ws,2xTunze 6055, 2xTunze 6045


2 x 2 tubes of 54W DD lighting fixtures

1 x 2 tubes 54W Giesemann razor

Lighting period;

4 ATI Blue Plus from 1100-2230hrs

2 ATI Aquablue special + 1 PAR38 14K 40deg from 1600-2000hrs

Chiller; TECO TR15



A simple DIY mini cheato box above sump, reason for making this box is so as to prevent unwanted broken off cheato drifting in Main Tank and clogging up return pumps.

Addictive used

Daily dose of Tropic Marine Lugols solution

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List of fishes

- Centropyge joculator x2

- Centropyge aurantia

- Centropyge shepardi

- Genicanthus watanabei x 3

- Holacanthus tricolor

- Assessor flavissimus

- Assessor macneilli x 2

- Gramma loreto x2

- Amphiprion ocellaris x2

- Zebrasoma flavescens

- Acanthurus coeruleus

- Halichoeres melanurus

- Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis

- Ecsenius bimaculatus

- Amblycirrhitus pinos

- Chrysiptera springeri

- Chrysiptera traceyi

- Chromis retrofasciata

List of invertebrates

- Neopetrolisthes maculosus

- Mespilia cf globules

- Entacmaea quadricolor

- Tridacna maxima

- Tridacna squamosa

- Paguristes cadenati

- Trapezia

- Nassarius distortus

- Haliotis sp
















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List of Corals (SPS)

- Acropora lokani

- Acropora suharsonoi

- Acropora caroliniana

- Acropora millepora

- Acropora abrolhosensis

- Acropora echinata

- Acropora florida

- Acropora prostrata

- Acropora tenuis

- Acropora yongei

- Acropora desalwii

- Acropora loripes

- Seriatopora hystrix

- Stylophora pistillata

- Pocillopora eydouxi

- Montipora undata

- Green capricornis

- Montipora porites

- Montipora digitata


- Euphyllia ancora

- Acanthastrea lordhowensis

- Blastomussa wellsi

Soft corals

- Green sinularia

- Kenya tree

- Toadstool leather

- Cespitularia

- Ricordea florida

- Zoanthids

- Actinodiscus sp

- Golden gloves

Photos of Corals











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Final Acknowledgement and thank you note.

I would like to express thanks to my family members who have to tolerate my insane addiction to fishes and coral shipments. If not for them this hobby wouldn’t give me so much joy and sore back.

Also great thanks to all the fellow reefers that I have met along this journey, not forgetting the wonderful LFSes that I frequent, chit chatting with kakis and drinking coffee.

Lastly to all the reefers that I may have missed out. Thank you guys for your valuable guidance and tips on this wonderful hobby.

** Please feel free to ask any questions to the owner by posting directly in this thread.

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What an inspiration! Congrats!


Return pump: 2 x Eheim 1260 (with 1 pumped to chiller before returning to main)
Chiller: Hailea HC-500A (1/2 hp)
Skimmer: Deltec SC2060
Lightings: 8 x 24W ATI Sunpower T5 fixture
Wavemakers: Vortech MP40, MP10, Tunze nanostream 6045
Additives: TLF C-balance (2 parts Ca and Alk) via Kamoer 3 channel dosing pump; Polyp-lab Reef Resh; FM color elements

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Thank you all for your well wishes....................so embarrassing! make me shy only.

Credit goes out to all the reefers who have helped me along this journey, a lot of unsung reefers who answered my many and sometimes idiot questions, from the most simple to the almost eccentric. You guys rock!

My tank will not be what it is today without the proper guidance and the wealth of knowledge that was shared. Not forgetting other inspirational reef tanks.

Let this be a source of inspiration to many out there, be it virgin reefers to great grandparents of this reefing community and may the vast experienced be passed on from reefer to reefers

Any questions? Pls shoot and i'll try to answer the best I can or if possible the hidden tigers please share your experience.

Thank you thank you all again!

P.S; when I feel "unwell" I'll visit the clinic for some poison! thank you for the poison...doctor!

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Truly inspirational and congratulations bro!!!

*thumbs up*

A well deserved winner, for those who dont know jeremy well, his nickname amongst his close friends is *jinx*..

opps... jer, hope i didnt spill any beans here..

This nickname obviously doesnt apply when it comes to reefing!

The pictures here are fantastic, but it's a must to view the tank in person. The 4'x3' setup creates such a depth that photos don't do it justice!

Agree with Jeremy, let's start sharing more success stories so that more may come to love this hobby!

Forgot to add, he is also a very generous and +1 for his unassuming personality!

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



Your mind is like a parachute. It only works when it is open.

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Wow....beautiful! :score:

Display Tank : 36" x 20" x 20" Herbie overflow box design, Sump : 36" x 21" x 17", Frag Tank : 16” x 20” x 16”, custom built by Tank Culture.

Lightings : Ecotech  Radion XR15 Pro x 2 for Main Display Tank, Inled R80 x 1 for Frag Tank.

Chiller : Dalkin 1hp compressor with build-in drop coil.

Skimmer : Skimz Octa SC205i Protein Skimmer.

FR : H2Ocean FMR75 Fluidised Media Reactor with Hailea HX-2500 (Feeder Pump) running Rowaphos.

CR : Skimz Monzter E Series CM122 Calcium Reactor.

BPR: Marine Source Biopellet  Reactor with Continuum Reef Biopellet Fuel. 

Main Return Pump : SICCE Syncra ADV 9.0 & Jebao ACQ-10000 Water Pump.

Wavemaker : Jebao MOW-9 x2 for Main Display Tank & Jebao SLW-20M  Sine Wave Pump for  Frag Tank.

Water Top Up: AutoAqua Smart ATO Lite.

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:welldone: Most beautiful tank I ever seen. Give me a good inspiration.

-Main Display Tank : 2ft x 1.5ft x 1.5ft c/w sump tank cabinet (Set up by aquarium artist)

-Lightings : 4 sets of 1.5ft mini aqua lumen LED lights (7 high power led 15W)

-Chiller: 1/4HP artica chiller with a standby of HC-100A

-Skimmer : Bubble Magnus 3 (cone)

-Phosphate Reactor

-NP Bio-pellet D&D onceanic hang-on reactor

-Wavemaker : MP10

-Temperature mointor : American Wireless pinpoint thermometer

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Well designed tank with great depth and a short height => this really helps with providing lots of aquascaping options and being able to place your SPS corals anywhere in the tank.

Really good growth with your SPS corals - how did you come up with your current photoperiod?

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Well designed tank with great depth and a short height => this really helps with providing lots of aquascaping options and being able to place your SPS corals anywhere in the tank.

Really good growth with your SPS corals - how did you come up with your current photoperiod?

Thank you, sorry but I don't quite understand your statement on the current photoperiod.

Do you mean how I devise this period? Or why I devise this photoperiod.

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