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Any Effective Crab Terminator ?


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  • SRC Member

Hi Guys and Gals !

;) I wonder if some experts got any effective ways to trap and destroy nuisance Crabs hiding inside LRs.

:angry: I think I've got 4~5 nuisance crabs in my 4ft tank. I've 3 fishes, 2 C.Shrimps and 1B.Shrimp. The rest are just corals and clams.

Option 1 - Take out LR one by one......use chop stick to search and kill them, one by one. But concerned that it would stressed out my LS and Corals....re-scaping is pretty back-braking. Don't prefer this option.

Option 2 - Tried making Crab trap...but Crabs dun kenna trap easily. Must be my trap lousy. Any good design ? Also concerned that the Prawn piece left overnight may increase Ammonia/ Nitrite level due to decaying process.

Option 3 - I heard some types of shrimps can search and destroy crabs. Is it true ? If yes, which type (BOXER?) Will it also KILL my BS and CS ?

Any other effective suggestion ???? Please help if as soon as possible...need to fly to Japan for business trip liao. Hope to terminate them before my trip.

:thanks: Thanks alot !!!!

Golf :bow:

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  • SRC Member

There's only one crab terminator and that will be the octopus but it terminate a lot of other things too.


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Maybe a crab eating fish ??

Heard from the LFS that there are some fishes that eats crab.

the down side is, it will also eat the shrimp or anyhting that fit into it's mouth. Maybe catch the fish to another tank and let the crab eating fish roam for a few days to hunt for the crabs ?

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  • SRC Member
Maybe a crab eating fish ??

Heard from the LFS that there are some fishes that eats crab.

the down side is, it will also eat the shrimp or anyhting that fit into it's mouth. Maybe catch the fish to another tank and let the crab eating fish roam for a few days to hunt for the crabs ?

You are talking about the trigger fish. It will terminate your fingers too.


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This is the method that I learnt from here.

1. Use a Chicken Essence bottle.

2. Put in a piece of prawn meat.

3. Place the bottle inside your tank, opening face up at an angel, lying near your live rock before lights out. A position that you think the crab can still crawl to the opening and once they go in ... that's it.

4. Next day morning, collect your prize.

It has been quite successful for me ... so far about 22 crabs in 3 weeks.

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  • SRC Member

Golf, and guys,

I have witnessed my modest BOxer/Banded Shrimp...take a Crab with its hands...I think the crab was killed by it..so it makan it.

Guess it was hungry as it never get my cyclopeeze to eat.

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  • SRC Member

Hi All !

:lol: Wow....brands essense bottle really good huh ! Die..die...must try lah !

;) Second method, use BOXER or Banded Shrimps...heard before. But I also learned that it don't just kill crabs... :cry: but also cleaner shrimps and blood shrimps too. Is it true ? Cos I got two pregnant CS and 1 BS inside my tank too.

Thanks, Golf :thanks:

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Not too sure about CBS killing crabs but it may just make mincemeat out of your Blood Shrimp.

With the shrimps about, you'll have them eating the bait in your trap before the crabs can get to it.

Nothing beats a small pointy object and a good torch light in hand scouring the rocks for peskies.

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  • SRC Member

I recently saw my six-line wrasse attack and ate a small crab. My CBS seems to ignore all those crabs and they are friendly to my SKUNK chrimp too.

Personally had tried bottle trap without success because my SKUNK always get trap 1st instead.

Just my 2 cts.


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  • SRC Member

Hey Guys!

I followed the advise to use "Essense of Chicken" bottle....works man ! I caught two crabs by using two bottles.

I will try again tonite...cos I think there are 2 or 3 crabs left somewhere..hiding among the 60kgs of LR....

Cheers! :lol:

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  • SRC Member

sounds gd leh,can get 2 on 1 nite.juz a few question,so u leave the bottle til next day to collect or u get it out immediately aft the crab went in? did u make the opening smaller so that it can go in but cannot come out? or the surface of the bottle too smooth that the crab cannot craw out? but crabs swim oso hor... :ooh::yeah:

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  • SRC Member

Hey !

;) I caught another two crabs yesterday night.....two crabs inside one bottle. (So total four crabs in two nights). No bad huh !!!

:ph34r: Note : I also noticed both my cleaner shrimps going for the prawn bait...which was inside the bottle trap. So I had to improvise...tying 2 rubber bands on the bottle openning , like a exact CROSS or PLUS sign. Reduce the openning size by 75%....so only crabs can crawl-in...then it is "one way ticket" for the crab.

It works man !!!! Results show....so far it is 100% success rate for me. Note : Works only at night, not evening or daytime...OK !



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  • SRC Member

what do you people do with crabs.. I found one in my LR yesterday.. quite small and eating off the LR. Not sure what I will do if I really caught one.. killing it? .. isn't it cruel.. :P

Why do we use "My 2 cents worth" when 1 cents are not legal tender in Singapore anymore? Shouldn't it be 5 cents worth?

"Its easier to blame the 'mantis' or crabs in the tank for missing & dead livestocks.."


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  • SRC Member

Hmmmm...simple and easy way to dispose. ;)

My son said....use a hammer to kill it...since it cause me so much trouble last week when it NIB my sea-cuke.

Ha ! Ha! But quite cruel leh....probably let go in lokang....heaven help them lor !

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