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Colorful Zoas !!!


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Hi Zoas lover,

Below are some of the zoas for your Christmas zoas shopping !

Package A - Get 3 zoas and above, there will be a 5% Discount

Package B - Get 5 zoas and above, there will be a 10% Discount + BSI IC Gel

In addition - FIRST 5 reefers who gets either pack A or B will also gets a frag of the rare Golden Clove ! ^_^

Here goes...

z1 Armor of God - $48


z2 Congo Red Hornet - $48


z3 Eruptions - $68


z4 Lights of Amazon - $38


z5 Pink Guava - $68


z6 Purple Queen ( aka Crown Royal) - $38


z7 Safecraker - $48


z8 Strawberry wine - $68


z9 Sunflower - $48


z10 Sunkist - $68


z11 Sunny Delight - $48


z12 Candy Apple Pink - $48


z13 African Blue Hornet - $38


z14 Babyback Blues - $28


z15 Blow Pop - $18


z16 Hawk Eye - $128 (2-3 polyps)


z17 Peacocks Eye - $38


z18 Pink Panther - $28


z19 Kryptonite - $28


z20 Yellow Melon - $48


z21 Yenko Red - $28


z22 Clementine - $38


z23 Japanese Goblin - $88


z24 Water Melon - $38


z25 Taffy Laffy - $48


z26 Black Hole Sun - $68


z27 Dragon Eye - $68


z28 Awesome Blossom - $168 (2-3 polyps)


z29 Mandrain Orange - $168 (2 polyps)


z30 Nuclear Green - $48 (2 polyps)


z31 Molten Gold - $38


z32 Pink Fusion - $38


z33 Radio Active Green - $28


z34 AOI - $48


z35 Baladona - $48


z36 Maryjane (Gorilla nipple) - $18


z37 Northern Lights - $48


z38 Purple Heart - $48


Important Note – The above healthy zoas are raised on frag plug for a minimum 3-4 months, stable and has shown growth potential. They are all PEST FREE and has been colored up under ATI T5 Blue Plus and Special.

Each frag contain around 4-8 polyps and above unless specifically indicated (for the rare ones).

Interested Bros / Sis kindly pm me for viewing and collection arrangement. As usual, FCFS , no reservation unless a deposit is placed in advance.

Happy Zoaing and wishing all a very Merry Christmas !

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Wow... Nice zoas. My next target wil be Awesome Blossom, Taffy Laffy n Japanese Goblin. But not so soon bro. Mus save up first...

Ups for ur sale bro... 

Thanks bro for the upzz.

You sure know the good staff ^_^ hope your previous gems has prosper in your zoas paradise !

The two Japanese Goblin frags has all been taken for this round, the next round would be near Christmas i guess :D

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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very nice zoas. :goodjob: drooling already.by the way, how big is each polyp and around where can collect if interested?

Thank you bro for liking the zoas, the polyp size depends on the types of the zoas you are referring to. I generally categorize them ( including palys) into 4 different sizes. Palys are generally the lagest in size and usually the easiest to keep, it gets to around a ten cent coin size, while the zoanthids series can be of 3 sizes, usually around 5 cents coin size, smallest being around 5mm in diameter :rolleyes:

I will pm you the viewing and collection place :friends:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Always awesome! Definitely delicious! just in time for Christmas..

Upz for the friendly doc! Perhaps I can try some.. seems like my new tank inhabitants don't really go for zoananthids.. palys no chance, queenie loves palys...

decommissioned 2.5x2x2



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Always awesome! Definitely delicious! just in time for Christmas..

Upz for the friendly doc! Perhaps I can try some.. seems like my new tank inhabitants don't really go for zoananthids.. palys no chance, queenie loves palys...

Yo bro, thanks for your support :friends: Haha i didnt know queenie loves Palys, first time i have heard !

Same here. I think I've got zoas fever!

Symptoms are

Tunnel vision

Slurring of speech

Unstoppable urge to wire money

Itchy hands

OMG spastic look!

Lol...Jeremy, that's the side effect of being the First Honorable TOQ :goodjob:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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First Update -

Sold out - Pink Guava, Sunkist, Sunflower and Japanese Goblin Fire

Hawk Eye left one last frag. The others still available as of now.

Thanks guys for the warm support :friends:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • SRC Member

Up for ur sale bro! Haha! Who can resist well taken care gems from gd service, gd quality and friendly person! Btw any more colourful stick frags? Time for me to make the move! ;D

Fresh fishes and inverts! What's next? To the salty side of marine of course!:)

"Never to part, lest jealous heaven stole our hearts"

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Cedric - What is the water parameter? My tank has been running for about a month under full zeovit system.

Those zoas are lovely but I do not want to kill any of it...so tempting.

My water parameter

Salinity ~1.023

Temp ~25c

dKH - 9.2

Po4 - 0.4 (still high..i guess dry rocks are still leeching out p04)

no3 - 0

Ca/Mg - Haven't test

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Up for ur sale bro! Haha! Who can resist well taken care gems from gd service, gd quality and friendly person! Btw any more colourful stick frags? Time for me to make the move! ;D

Yes bro, the candy stick tray is now fill up once again with colorful sticks. Try some easier piece for a start. I will share with you some pointers when you are here :friends:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Cedric - What is the water parameter? My tank has been running for about a month under full zeovit system.

Those zoas are lovely but I do not want to kill any of it...so tempting.

My water parameter

Salinity ~1.023

Temp ~25c

dKH - 9.2

Po4 - 0.4 (still high..i guess dry rocks are still leeching out p04)

no3 - 0

Ca/Mg - Haven't test

Time to post in your tank thread. I can see you have questions for the sifus here to answer :)

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Nice range of zoas for zoa lovers to drool upon.


Thanks Bro :friends:

Gonna drop by ya place to see see look look soon!

Sent from my Desire HD using Tapatalk

Haha...time to distress :upsidedown:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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Cedric - What is the water parameter? My tank has been running for about a month under full zeovit system.

Those zoas are lovely but I do not want to kill any of it...so tempting.

My water parameter

Salinity ~1.023

Temp ~25c

dKH - 9.2

Po4 - 0.4 (still high..i guess dry rocks are still leeching out p04)

no3 - 0

Ca/Mg - Haven't test

Hi Bro, it's been a while since i saw your latest update on tank thread. Have you added any live stock already ?

My Kh last measured around 9 dkh. I have not taken any readings on PO4 and NO3 but i suspect there are some traces of nutrient but negligible enough for my SPS :)

Your Kh seems a little high for a full zeovit system, i read about zeovit run best for kh around 7 dkh in order to reap full advantage of such ULN system. That's why i think a full zeovit is a little unforgiving due to it's requirement to run at such low kh level - very little margin for error, though it's a sure way of getting nice pastel sps color.

Perhaps you could update on your tank thread, we could discuss and share further ;)

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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  • SRC Member

Yes bro, the candy stick tray is now fill up once again with colorful sticks. Try some easier piece for a start. I will share with you some pointers when you are here :friends:

Thanks!! Appreciate the help offered!;) upz for ur really colourful zoas!:)

Fresh fishes and inverts! What's next? To the salty side of marine of course!:)

"Never to part, lest jealous heaven stole our hearts"

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cedric - I will update something when i am free. Going to SG this coming weekend to get stuff. Wait till my system is stable and I will get some nice SPS from you :)

Currently I have 5 green blue chromis, 1 fire shrimp, 1 skunk shrimp, few turbo snails and orchid dottyback. No casualty yet.

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