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Ezio's marine fish tank


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Good day guys :)

I just have a new home coming up and i have planed to have a new fish tank in my room. so far i just finished planning to put where i am going to put the tank in my room. So far its at the left hand side corner. I am working together with "Shootsimon" in this project. Still i like to post to you folks of how things are progressing. I will post pictures of the progress as well!!! :D

I welcome feed back and comments as well as helpful tips.

Anyways its either gonna be a 4-5 foot length tank, and right now i am going though the equipment list that i need to get this thing going!!! so right now here is my list of things:

x1 Chiller

x1 Dosing pump

x1 Skimmer: (Skimz monzter)

x2 FR (Bio palet)

x2 Return pump

x1 ATO

Lights LED

x1 Wavemaker

Test kits

Ok so those are what i have on my list for now....more will come ;)

Next post i will be showing the area where i will be placing the tank. EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Hey guys just came back from the meeting, we just confirmed the measurements plus the drilling of the holes for the chiller through the wall, power plugs, lightings etc.

Now the fish tank maker as Raydiative has recently asked i have gotten the (Iwarna Aquafarm PTE LTD @ 70 Pasir Ris Drive 12, Farmway 3). They will be making my cabinet which will be at these measurements:


L Shaped to fit area

Length = 1210mm= 4ft

Width= 450mm Hight- 950mm

The Tank on the other hand will be Rimless like i have previously said and will have a black background. (in order to prevent light from causing Slime) it will be a 350L tank. :D

ok here are the pictures of the area:


The corner/area i will be putting the fish tank


Front view


full hight of tank and cabinet


width of the Tank


location of where the compressor/chiller will be at: just outside at the edge!! how nice! :3

Now looking at some protein skimmers i am looking at Skimz Monzter


2 i am deciding at the moment.

So far so good now the tank maker said it will take 2 weeks for the cabinet and tank to come. As well as i you guys have any opinions, you know the glass is glued together by silicone, i have come to an agreement to choose a black colored silicone to prevent seeing the slime, unlike the clear ones where after awhile they just turn green. So guys your opinions please! :)

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Hey Comycus, i am still looking at a list of things at the moment just doing my research

ASM eh? thanks mate will have a look at that! :)

for the equipment list i still have some checking to do, if you or anybody else can help with some good opinions that would be great!!! :D

And the other thing is that i am currently looking for mid-high end range equipment.

Cheers Ezio

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Ok! :D Comycus can i ask a question? is the ASM Protein skimmer from overseas? cause i will be finding it rather hard to do repairs if its overseas and any brokerages that may occur. Plus i do need to put the size to account. since i am adding some extras towards the equipment. I had a word with shootsimon and he hasn't herd about ASM being in singapore.

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bro you may want to check with AM whether they still have stock for these skimmers. If I'm not wrong, they are preparing to launch their 'leopard' series and may have stopped production for this series.

Have you decided on your equipment list?

Just checked with AM about it and yes, they will be launching their Leopard series but when, not sure.

As for the Monster series, it'll still be in production. Leopard will be competing with BK kind of league.

And further more we have to consider sump space.

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If the tank is placed at the window area I assume the windows will be closed for good.

And since it's near the window are window blinds gonna be installed as stray sunlight will encourage algae growth.

Another pointer is compressor has to be installed first as once tank is up I don't know how e aircon dudes gonna bring e compressor over your tank plus over the wall. Extra cost for labour? Lol

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hey guys cheers for the helpful tips and for Eniram yes the window is closed for good what i'll do is you know how blinds can shoot light up or down yea? i'll be shooting it upwards hopefully decreasing the algae growth, and thanks for the tip i will remember to install the compressor when the cabin is good to go, for the people who are gonna bring the compressor i think its much more wise to install it and then put the tank up as well as put together makes more sense then putting the tank up then the compressor. :D

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Hey Ezio, have you considered a deltec skimmer? ... I think you'd most likely need more than 1 wavemaker too. :) It's either TUnze or VOrtech for that. :)

Have fun... tank setups are always the funnest and... sometimes teaches one lots and LOTS of patience.. :)

Cheers, ;)


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bro, high end equipment only have these few brands. At this kind of price range, performance/reliability/warranty issues should not be an issue. So my advice is to just go with whichever your wallet and heart goes with.

Some minor details to take note for your tank setup. What glass thickness? bottom bracing? internal/external overflow? if Black Oyama background >>Black silicone your external overflow or Black acrylic internal overflow. Acylic cover for overflow? sufficient working space for your hand to stick into the overflow for maintenance? How large is your overflow? Overflow pipe size? using durso method or other ways to ensure relative silent overflow? Tank flushed or sit in cabinet? sufficient ventilation in cabinet? Sump glass thickness? consider height of water level when using skimmer to determine height of glass in skimmer compartment. Sufficient baffles? consider water flow of the sump, try to minimise dead spots unless planning a refugium. use eheim flexible hosing where possible for pipings to reduce 90 degree elbows. consider return outlet location vs overflow compartment vs placement of wavemakers.

lol... hope i'm not making you confused, but like Desi mentioned, v. v. fun times indeed

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Desideia, well i decided on the Skimz Monzter cause of the space that i need in my cabinet. I have an amount of space that i have to work with, but yes i did look up the deltec skimmer :D seems good. But shootsimon and i have decided that the Skimz would do great. Thanks for the idea!

And as for comycus, dont worry bro you aint confusing me! :D well i have the designs for the tank i'll post it in the next post for now i will try to answer your multitude of questions!

ok.....herrrrm how we start this... XD

1) For sufficient work space for the maintenance we have already took that to account and measured the size and how my hands will fit to fix/clean the tank and other equipment, that was at the start of all things!!

2) the overflow will have to be internal but will be on the left hand side as you will see in the plans.

3) Hmmmm we are doing a black Acylic cover for overflow if i am not wrong, but will double check!

4) For the cabinet we are having it built by the carpenter which he will give me a sufficient ventilation and as well as the tank will just sit on the cabinet with a little bit of an edge just a bit, i will show these when the tank comes around!

ok those i can answer for now....more will come in due time.

But anyways i have my updated list of equipment!!! WOOOHOO!!!

) Main Return Pump Reef Octopus Water Blaster



2) Skimz Skimmer Monster Series SM161



3) Two FR. One with Rowa Carbon or Rowa phos the other with bio Pellet

Link below


4) Tunze Auto Top Up

5) Wave maker Vortech-MP40ES

Below is the link


6) ATI T-5 lighting 4ft 4 tubes

Something like this but slimmer as only 4 tubes

Below is the link


Or best RADION LED light but will need 2 sets so price is 2 times the ATI T5

Below is the link


TADA!!!! :D

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If the tank is placed at the window area I assume the windows will be closed for good.

And since it's near the window are window blinds gonna be installed as stray sunlight will encourage algae growth.

Another pointer is compressor has to be installed first as once tank is up I don't know how e aircon dudes gonna bring e compressor over your tank plus over the wall. Extra cost for labour? Lol

Hi Bro,

Firstly, a very warm welcome to this interesting hobby :)

Jeremy brought up a very important point about the tank and your compressor, you need to consider having the worst case scenario of say compressor breakdown. How are you gonna allow repair / replacement of the compressor ?

Another issue is the air circulation within the room, it will be good to have good air circulation for various reasons. IMO it is good to have some clearance space between the tank and the window side so that you can choose to open or close windows as needed.

Do take all these into consideration because once your tank is up and running, it will be very difficult to change position.

Have fun :friends:

Treat others the way you wanna be treated...



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First off, great choice on tankmaker bro. Black and white drawings are great for visualisation and tweaking of ideas. Some feedback on your tank design:

1. Seems like you have catered some form of underflow into the overflow box. I assume you will be going bare bottom? Keeping sand would not be a good idea with underflow.

2. If you are using underflow, suggest to add a baffle in between the overflow box and underflow to push the water back up. Not sure if water can flow through with this design.

3. Have you considered using durso standpipe method instead? I personally think durso is a quieter option.

4. Suggest to go for bottom bracing. It is not reflected in the drawing.

5. Don't really understand the enlarged base board in cabinet. Why don't you increase your tank width by 100mm if your base board is 550mm? 22" width is definitely better than 18" width (my mind thinks in inches). Gives you more space to scape and create a more 3 dimensional feel. You can never go wrong with a deeper (width) tank.

6. What is the additional height of the first compartment in your sump? will you be using filter sock or sponge? If going filter sock, suggest to ask tankmaker to build some form of bracket for the filter sock or mount to mount those commercially available filter sock holder.

7. Do you have sufficient space in the sump to put skimmer, 2 FRs and chiller coil? looks abit tight to me. How are you going to power the 2 FRs? If using pump, will need to cater extra space for the pump. Do remember to leave working space for you to do maintenance easily. If the 2 FRs are placed in sump, you may have difficulty accessing them/skimmer as they will be 2 levels deep.

8. You could hang the 2 FRs by the side to avoid clutter, then you would be taking up space that could be use for ATO, or future upgrades. Which leads to my next point...

9. What kind of tank are you thinking of keeping? SPS, LPS dominated? Mixed? Will you require future upgrades such as Ca, Kalkwasser reactor or dosing pumps? Need to cater space for these equipment in future if you intend to upgrade.

10. My personal preference if you want to build a refugium inside sump is to black out the compartment to prevent light from straying out and encouraging nuisance algae growth in sump. Just food for thought.

11. Do consider adding another baffle in between refugium and return compartments to eliminate micro bubbles. Also, suggest to extend your return compartment all the way to the right. That small space in skimmer compartment is wasted space and a dead spot anyway. Better to have more water area in return pump to cater for evaporation loss.

Hope I didn't bore you with my long post B)

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  • 1 month later...

sorry for the wait folks i have the pictures now will post them today tank is up and running just rocks atm and some hitch hiker corals, plus a starfish!! he seems harmless but i am not too sure if he is reef safe

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ok here is the photos:


Water is murky since i put the mineral mud in, but as you can see the skimmer is in and working nicely (had to clean it once since i have put it in and another time before the coral and fish come this week!)

the jugs are for the magnesium , calcium and KH, bio pellets are at the back (next pic should show it.)


This is a close up of the equipment


This is a overall now as you can see i covered up the table top with some more wood to make it look better.


The Radion Led Lights!!! programed it to natural settings and the blue is just marvel!

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this starfish i have no idea if its reef safe but doesn't seem harmful, looks cute and it came along with the live rocks i had put in.


attached to the black back ground


here is a close up. (its not clear i am sorry didn't have my G11 cannon with me at the time)

Can anyone pls tell me what type of starfish is this? and is it reef safe???

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Here is my corals and fishes just the list. They will be coming this sat!!!! EXCITED!!! thumbsup.gif

Frog spawn



Green bubble

Pink plate coral

Zoanths pulchellus

star polyps

Discosoma neglecta

Hollywood stunner

chalice coral frag

Red,Blue Actinodiscus (various mushrooms)

Neon eyed zoanthid polyps

Blastos, Various colors



Clown fish- Black and piccaso

Flame angle (hopefully it won't kill my corals)

Nemateleotris decora (purple fire fish)

Mandarin fish

Powder blue tang

Yellow eyed kole tang

yellow wrasse

Leopard warsse

Doctor shrimp

Turbo snails

Sand star shifters

sea cake

Mind you guys this is just a list some fishes will not be in my tank

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anybody know about the starfish? cause i really am curious if its reef safe.

You may want to read this article


It may be Asterina sp. starfish ... not sure if it is reef safe but classified as a pest???



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i see hmmmm its only one though, mmmm i think i will try to find him again when he submerges again thanks again!

and for the people who are reading this, there will be fishes and corals this Sat its gonna be a blast!!

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