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Crabby with SPS

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Hi bro, most of the acro crabs are usually safe. They NORMALLY have a mutual beneficial relationship with SPS.

However, i do notice a very few acro crabs that are more notorious and seems to be opportunistic feeder on SPS tissues, they usually are very tiny (not more than five cent coin), greyish dard hairy body and comes with a pair of errie white color eye.

A photo of the crab you suspect would help.

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Actually there are lot's of opportunity to obtain them during SPS shippment here, where lots of such safe acro crabs comes along with their hosting SPS. Some may 'accidentally dislodge from their SPS home and you may wish to ask permission from the LFS and pack them up as freebies TOGETHER WITH YOUR OTHER PURCHASE :upsidedown:

However whether or not such acro crab has a preferred choice of host SPS family is not certain, i have tried once introducing an acro crab to a certain SPS ( unfortunately i can't recall which type ) and the crab just refuse to take host at it.

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